Active Member
Sharon, I beat you to it!
I didn't get to post last night, because I got home from driving easy child 2/difficult child 2 to her audition and had to go to bed, I was so wiped out. The vertigo is still a big problem, I had motion sickness from it until I hit the sack. Then just as I was about to get up and say "g'day" to you all, we had a power failure.
I've mostly stuck in bed today, husband & the kids have worked like navvies dragging stuff out to the clean-up pile out the front, both here and at MILs. easy child 2/difficult child 2 & BF2 have cleaned out what has become their room. We've been finding some interesting stuff, from when difficult child 1 camped out there and crudded the place up.
Meanwhile I watched TV - the Aussie MTV awards! As you may know, Snoop Dogg was supposed to be co-hosting these awards but due to having bee n a bit of a bad boy recently with guns & stuff, our government denied him entry. Then he won an award - they cut to him by satellite, lounging at the back of a boat snuggling up to two beautiful girls, but with the Sydney Harbour skyline behind him (Opera House, Harbour Bridge - the lot!). The caption read, "Sydney Harbour - international waters". Yeah, right. He gave his short acceptance speech including apologising for being occupied with the two women rather than at the awards, then as he signed off the screen went to "Snoop Dogg for citizenship
OK, it was clearly CG'ed, but very funny.
Then I watched "Twins" over again - I don't like Arnie's politics in some areas but I love every movie I've ever seen him in.
Meanwhile husband cooked dinner, after all his hard work during the day. He is an absolute gem!
Have a good Sunday, folks!
I didn't get to post last night, because I got home from driving easy child 2/difficult child 2 to her audition and had to go to bed, I was so wiped out. The vertigo is still a big problem, I had motion sickness from it until I hit the sack. Then just as I was about to get up and say "g'day" to you all, we had a power failure.
I've mostly stuck in bed today, husband & the kids have worked like navvies dragging stuff out to the clean-up pile out the front, both here and at MILs. easy child 2/difficult child 2 & BF2 have cleaned out what has become their room. We've been finding some interesting stuff, from when difficult child 1 camped out there and crudded the place up.
Meanwhile I watched TV - the Aussie MTV awards! As you may know, Snoop Dogg was supposed to be co-hosting these awards but due to having bee n a bit of a bad boy recently with guns & stuff, our government denied him entry. Then he won an award - they cut to him by satellite, lounging at the back of a boat snuggling up to two beautiful girls, but with the Sydney Harbour skyline behind him (Opera House, Harbour Bridge - the lot!). The caption read, "Sydney Harbour - international waters". Yeah, right. He gave his short acceptance speech including apologising for being occupied with the two women rather than at the awards, then as he signed off the screen went to "Snoop Dogg for citizenship
OK, it was clearly CG'ed, but very funny.
Then I watched "Twins" over again - I don't like Arnie's politics in some areas but I love every movie I've ever seen him in.
Meanwhile husband cooked dinner, after all his hard work during the day. He is an absolute gem!
Have a good Sunday, folks!