Good Wednesday Morning


Active Member
Good Morning My Friends...

Been awhile since I started the morning thread. :grin:

Very cold here... :smile:.

difficult child is supposed to take his drivers test today..hopefully he will get up.. :mad:

Finishing up my Casino Shop, doing laundry and cleaning a bit are on my agenda today... :tongue:

Off to get another cup of :smile:, and another Oreo... :grin: I just love those mint ones... :rofl:

Praying for a peaceful day for all..



Former desparate mom
Good Morning Rob. :smile: I'm having my first cup myself. Your frigid temps have been brutal. Hope it eases up today. We are going through a bit of a warm spell.
Are you still enjoying the mystery shopper?
Hope you have a good day.
Nothing new to report.


Active Member
Morning Fran,

I still love to Mystery Shop and will continue to do it. I have also graduated from my Private Investigation school and taken a part time position with Baby's R Us. This should turn into a Loss Prevention position in time. :grin: Still doing my background checks also so I am very diversified... :rofl: Goes along with my personality...I hate being bored... :smile:

Have a wonderful day...



Well-Known Member
* Good Morning *

Robby, great to see you in the early am beginning the morning thread. Hope difficult child passes his driving test. The only quesstion now is does he have something to drive?

Fran, hope you are enjoying your warm up. I'm working on my first cup as well :smile: Have a great day.

Bonehead has been telling me for some time that I should get a laptop so I can be more mobile and not have to "fight" with difficult child over the computer. So yesterday he mentioned it again (i have been looking and researching). I asked him if he was going to buy it for me. He told me that if I stuck within his budget, he would pay for it.

So off I went to Best Buy, who had actually just put the HP I wanted on sale. So, I am coming to you from my new laptop. Here's the kicker - I am also sitting next to the fire!

difficult child's Special Education teacher walked him out to the car yesterday. Uh Oh, was my first thought when I saw them. But, his 1:1 had to leave early. She said "difficult child had a great day today." I told him on the way to school yesterday that thur was p/t conferences so he really should be on his best behavior since I'll be "talking to folks" on thursday. Maybe it worked :blush:

It's Wed, so that means grocery shopping, linen/towel washing, and general household stuff.

Wishing everyone a great day, keep it warm.



Well-Known Member
Good morning!
Robby- How wonderful to see you on the morning thread! It makes me want to slip on my bunny slippers and sneak an oreo with my coffee! :smile:
Fran- So no news is good news, right? :rofl:
Sharon- It's a good thing the kids got your brains, lol! Enjoy the fire. :smile:
I've got a full plate today, just various stuff I need to catch up on from being sick last week. We received Duckie's report card. I'm glad her academics are strong, but even happier that there is no sign of social struggling: gets along well with peers, follows directions and is respectful to teachers. Yay! :warrior:
Have a great day. :smile: Hi to anyone that snuck in.


Active Member
It's late Wednesday night after a hectic day here. Nothing special, just busy. And difficult child 3 with verbal diarrhoea and my brain turning to mush.

The site was down (from our point of view) for quite a few hours so I'm only just getting back in touch.

Then the computer crashed on husband and difficult child 3's carefully done graphs on the computer - gone. A day's work which he didn't save before he went to bed. I'm preparing for tantrums in the morning. I'm going to need my sleep.

So good morning to you all, I'm heading for bed!

Good to see you up early, Robby, have an oreo for me. If we ever get to the US I'll bring some Tim Tams for you.



Good morning, all!

Cookie -- great to see your smiling face on the morning thread! You sound like one busy lady!

Fran - Glad to hear some of us are warm. I may become a snow-bird when I retire.

Sharon -- Ah, a laptop by the fire... anything by the fire... sounds great!

Tiredmommy -- So happy about Duckie's great report! Makes a mom's heart proud!

School are on a 2 hour delay here, so the kids are sleeping in. Just the mundane for me today -- grocery shopping,little cleaning and catching up on emails.

Have a great one! Hi to anyone who snuck in!


Well-Known Member
Good morning all!

Things are the opposite of quiet in our home. difficult child, who is having an ongoing quarrel with one of the neighbours (40 years old, but nasty, and out to get Oriel, but then Oriel has been annoying him -- it's sort of mutual), and last night there was a physical fight. The outcome: the neighbour has a black eye, Oriel has a swollen puffed up mouth, the police were here and also upstairs at the neighbour's apartment. My husband and I are in shock -- we are the most law-abiding people you could meet! Other siblings of difficult child are rallying round him, but husband and I are not convinced that we should back him up. But the neighbour's behavior is also reprehensible -- and that's the situation, folks!

I was so happy today was one of the days that I go to work outside the house, it was good to get away. I'm now back at home (afternoon), and have so much work to do on the computer I don't know where to start. One of my daughters has a dentist's appointment so she is bringing me her four children for an hour. I don't usually look after my grandchildren so I don't mind when it is once in a blue moon. I'm really not a very nice grandmother! But I can hold it together for one hour -- hopefully!

Hope you all have a meltdown-free day.

I reckon in the grave I will find peace and quiet. But then -- you never know!

With that happy thought,

Love, Esther

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

Robby, good to see your smiling face this morning.

Fran, I'd take just a little of the warm you're getting down there. It has been brutal here.

Sharon, I recently rec'd a laptop for my 50th (from my in-laws) - it's wonderful to sit under a quilt while balancing a checkbook or checking in with your CD friends.

TM, I've yet to catch up from my cold/flu experience. I'm just taking a "redo" from the beginning of the year.

Marg, sorry to hear about husband's work. A lesson learned!

Kate, I'll take mundane over chaos any day.

Esther, sorry to hear of difficult children altercations & such. You & husband will know the right thing for difficult child.

It's so cold again this morning that I hate the thought of heading out, but I do have a staffing for kt this morning; then I head off to the other end of town for a personal appointment.

kt's chomping at the bit to get home - it's been a challenge to have services in place before that is scheduled. We are 3/4's of the way there, with most things in place - most importantly respite. The family therapy piece is proving more difficult (this is the tweedle visit stuff).

Oh, well ...

Onward & upward! Enjoy the day all - stay warm. *

Hug your loved ones - keep those who are at a distance in your heart. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Hi Robby and all, I hope difficult child is up by now. And good luck with-the driving test!
My difficult child is home sick again... lost his voice but is eating us out of house and home. The handyman is coming back to fix a botched job. And the carpet cleaners are coming. Good timing, because Starbucks threw up on the carpet last night (he dug through the kitchen trash and ate some spaghetti...)
Stay warm everyone!
Good Morning Cyber Friends,

I'm in a big RUSH again this morning and running late so I can't respond to each of you individually. Somehow it just wouldn't seem right beginning my day and not wishing all of you a difficult child "melt-down" free day!!!

Anyway, after one more gulp of :smile:, I'm off. Hope everyone has a good one. WFEN