well I hope everyone is setteling in the school year a little better now.
Today was the big IEP meeting. 10 people from SD was there & this time they brought a recorder too! I was lucky to get 3 people before.The IEP was already wrote & we went over it. They made a couple of changes @ my request. They ended up changeing their minds about the small tutoring class. No suprise there since "this would set a presadent". Now he will be in a reading class with Learning Disability (LD) English teacher in addition to Learning Disability (LD) English, same teacher (he also had her last year, why was this never offered before?. I had them put in IEP that we are to have a IEP meeting every 4-5 weeks so time doesn't sleep away. We will decide at next one if new class is working. I'm wondering how can I trust that when they tell me his reading grade level has gone up? I'm not sure if the IEP is even a good one, I wasn't sure how to word things.
Here is a sampling of what is on it.
Present level; According to MFE reading @ 4th grade level. Annual goals; inprove his skills in written expression & reading. Objectives; use correct grammer & punctuation, Complete paragraphs of at least 6 sentences, write a formal composition of @ least 2pgs.,learn vowel/combination sounds, rules & skills for syllabiction, read passages @ 5/6 grade level & spell words from list. Evaluation Procedures; daily assignmates. teacher test/observation. Criteria; Passing grade of B. Review 9 weeks
& naritave report cards.
I just don't feel this is enough to get him reading by the end of 12th grade. At a year advancement each year that would only put him @ 7th grade level. The psy. said he was capeable of learning to read much better
but not sure how long it wil take and how much needs to be done. Any suggestions?? Of course I didn't sign anything & I told them his psy.& dr would be going over it to make sure it was acceptable. By the way you guys are my dr.
I also went & got sons school records, a lot is not there from 3 years ago & new ones have even appeared. I asked fo a copy of his disapline file today and Asst. Princaple said he didn't have one! Now I looked at that file a couple of days ago & it had a form in it re. a bus problem with-detention, the AP said she didn't know about that. He was also suspended @ JR. HS for a fight, they don't even have any of his attendance record showing he missed a lot of days that they sent me letters about. Anyway they didn't give it to me. I also didn't sign anything to get his records, just paid a $2.50 charge. Heck they didn't even ask me for ID and nobody there even knew me or that I was coming. So what do I do to make sure I have everything they do?
Sorry these are always so long. I guess I write the way I talk. Done much better @ the meetings though. LOL
married, two boys, one 15yrs with ADD/Learning Disability (LD), would be easy child if school would teach him right {well, almost] & one 8yrs with ADHD that isn't even still in his sleep! Both doing good on low dose of medications at school only. Georgina
Today was the big IEP meeting. 10 people from SD was there & this time they brought a recorder too! I was lucky to get 3 people before.The IEP was already wrote & we went over it. They made a couple of changes @ my request. They ended up changeing their minds about the small tutoring class. No suprise there since "this would set a presadent". Now he will be in a reading class with Learning Disability (LD) English teacher in addition to Learning Disability (LD) English, same teacher (he also had her last year, why was this never offered before?. I had them put in IEP that we are to have a IEP meeting every 4-5 weeks so time doesn't sleep away. We will decide at next one if new class is working. I'm wondering how can I trust that when they tell me his reading grade level has gone up? I'm not sure if the IEP is even a good one, I wasn't sure how to word things.
Here is a sampling of what is on it.
Present level; According to MFE reading @ 4th grade level. Annual goals; inprove his skills in written expression & reading. Objectives; use correct grammer & punctuation, Complete paragraphs of at least 6 sentences, write a formal composition of @ least 2pgs.,learn vowel/combination sounds, rules & skills for syllabiction, read passages @ 5/6 grade level & spell words from list. Evaluation Procedures; daily assignmates. teacher test/observation. Criteria; Passing grade of B. Review 9 weeks
& naritave report cards.
I just don't feel this is enough to get him reading by the end of 12th grade. At a year advancement each year that would only put him @ 7th grade level. The psy. said he was capeable of learning to read much better
but not sure how long it wil take and how much needs to be done. Any suggestions?? Of course I didn't sign anything & I told them his psy.& dr would be going over it to make sure it was acceptable. By the way you guys are my dr.

I also went & got sons school records, a lot is not there from 3 years ago & new ones have even appeared. I asked fo a copy of his disapline file today and Asst. Princaple said he didn't have one! Now I looked at that file a couple of days ago & it had a form in it re. a bus problem with-detention, the AP said she didn't know about that. He was also suspended @ JR. HS for a fight, they don't even have any of his attendance record showing he missed a lot of days that they sent me letters about. Anyway they didn't give it to me. I also didn't sign anything to get his records, just paid a $2.50 charge. Heck they didn't even ask me for ID and nobody there even knew me or that I was coming. So what do I do to make sure I have everything they do?
Sorry these are always so long. I guess I write the way I talk. Done much better @ the meetings though. LOL
married, two boys, one 15yrs with ADD/Learning Disability (LD), would be easy child if school would teach him right {well, almost] & one 8yrs with ADHD that isn't even still in his sleep! Both doing good on low dose of medications at school only. Georgina