He's back..


Well-Known Member
Oh dear AG, sadly predictable but I sure hope he has a different attitude today. You are doing so well, I too would have pulled over and told him to get out. I agree with your response being call me when you're ready for rehab.

I am so sorry, we have all been through this and it's horrid.

Stay strong.



Active Member
Sometimes I think I am totally crazy! I heart goes out to any parent going through this nightmare. A friend of mine is really into spirituality and she says we agreed to this path before we were born, and we have lessons to learn from it.
and the lesson learned was stop with the first child. My now 33yo has put me through hell, I thought I was finally able to say he is doing so much better and he started all over again. He always picks difficult children for relationships and they all want to be supported. NO THANKS! But this last one was the worse.
I have no clue where he is, but I do know he is emailing me for money NO THANKS!
The sad truth is they will bleed you dry and not think twice about it. I have been in a lot of counseling and it does help. One counselor did mention detachment and I wish I had known more about it then. I was also a single parent with an abusive spouse, looking back I know the ex used drugs, but I was too inexperinced to realize it then.
Many in my family and friends are supporting dead beat adult kids, I refuse too. They would also be upset beacuse I was not recusing him.
Stay strong and look out for yourself!
I do not know how those of you who have done this for years haven't gone totally crazy.[/QUOTE]


Got him here. He didn't want to sign release for me to get info. I said, "do you want to go to school?". He signed. Then he threw a fit outside. I left to go back to waiting room. Last he said was he didnt know where to go. But he came in a few minutes later. Now he is saying i dont want doctor to tell you anything. He doesnt want doctor to know he was suicidal two days ago. I already told the guy who took all the info on the phone but i didnt tell him that.


Well-Known Member
AG be prepared for him to rescind his release. When difficult child was in rehab some former resdients came to visit and convinced her to leave with them. They also told her to rescind her release so the center couldn't talk to us. She was going to go move in with some heroin addict ten years older than her. The center called to tell me she was leaving but couldnt tell me anything else. I hope that doesn;t happen but if he knows he can, he might.

I'm glad you got him there. How is he going to go to school if he is in residential?



Haha...he did Nancy. doctor wouldn't tell me anything but stood there while difficult child did. He has agreed to sign a medical only release upon admission. I told him on way home he would have to write that he could not revoke or amend it for 28 days and i wanted a copy. I will not be played for a fool, especially after writing those checks. Funny how they can always talk about the money....

He agreed to go but not to a date. He wants to tie up a loose end here. Long story but i know all about it and agree. He knows my clock is ticking. If he doubted that before, he knew it when i left him on the sidewalk, sans his cell, and drove off for a while this afternoon.

On the way home, he said, "Today was productive.". That meant everything. I started to sob. We talked. He liked both the psy and the counselor a lot. He can smoke there where most places here wont ( smoking age is 19.). That takes a burden off him. He agreed to touch base with me tonight which he has already done and it was ok.

I am to go online and drop two of his classes. We will deal with others in a few days.

As for me, what I saw there I liked. Only five people in program. Huge psy department in a teaching hospital. Been established for decades. Security downstairs.

Praying insurance will ok when case mgt. reviews. That will happen after difficult child calls them.

I know it can, and will, turn on a dime. Thank you all for the prayers. Going to get some rest and catch up on board tomorrow.

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Good for you, and good for your son. Amazing how 3 little words -"today was productive" - can make it all worth it. You're a strong mama.


Active Member
This is all good. I hope something takes. Will you get to go to any family sessions? I have heard from other FA moms that they are helpful. Try to rest and care for yourself these next few weeks. ((Hugs))


Exhausted...thanks! They have three days of sessions just for families plus individual family therapy. I am heavily into Al-anon. Was calling my sponsor and another long term Al-alon member off and on yesterday. Their support was very helpful.