Well-Known Member
He is being trained to sell cutlery for Cutco. OMG, this company has a sales spiel straight out of 1949 and hasn't changed it since. No one, I mean, NO ONE wants to listen to a 45 min. bunch of crapola about scholarships and whatever. *I* just want to know about the knives.
Plus, they tell you to practice selling to your family.
Okay, I can see the need for rehearsal ... but if that's where you sell your stuff, how do you *really* become a salesman?
I listened to his spiel, let him practice (poor guy, was literally reading the script, dropping pages all over, plus he'd asked me to put out food to slice, so there was a tomato with-juice on the cutting board, a partially peeled potato, carrots, rope, and leather. He would come to a complete halt to remove something from the cutting board, set it aside, say, "Okay," and then find his spot on the script.
It was so painful.
And that was before I cut myself, lol!
Sheesh, those things are sharp!!! It was only a fingernail, but still ...
husband and I agreed NOT to be his first sale. I actually need a sharpener and sheaths, and a paring knife. But I said "No thank you," and am forcing him to sell to others first. I'll buy those things in a few weeks.
He is worried he won't make it that long ... he said other people have hundreds of customers and sales. I guess they'll be the chosen few who get a free hunting knife if they sell $1,000 worth of mchdse in 10 days. I think that's an unreasonable goal for difficult child and he does too but at least he's giving it a try. He admitted that it's good practice. I told him that was a good attitude and that I was proud of him. There are so few opportunities to tell him that.
He actually has to wear "nice" clothes for the job, even when it's just conversation over the phone.
We met with-the therapist and gave difficult child 1 yr to move out. That means he has to be working FT and find a roommate or two in order to afford an apt or room. He is supposed to create a written plan to show progress. HA! Like that will happen. June 15, 2016 will pop up and he'll be out on the doorstep and wonder what happened.
If he makes it that long. He could still end up arrested for something stupid. But that could end up being his wakeup call.
A part of me wants it (an arrest) to happen sooner, just to get it over with. Another part of me wants to get him into rehab. And the Pollyanna part of me hopes he'll straighten up and fly right.
Meanwhile, he passed 3 classes and flunked 4. Still enough credits to become a senior.
Still dating H, but arguing with her for HOURS over the phone. If he spent that much time digging up contacts to sell to, he'd be rich!
And ex-girlfriend is now roughly 6 mo's along and showing. She is not planning to get a job, and is planning to study at home next yr.
Her mom finally got a job as a maid svc supervisor so that's one bright light.
He was supposed to give her mom $20 two wks ago, as a partial payment for a dr appmt, but the envelope just disappeared when he supposedly put it under the mailbox.
(Speaking of which, has anyone here tried to take away their adult child's cash to show them how it feels? Does it work? Do they "get it"? I'm guessing it just makes them madder and makes things worse. Just wondering ...)
difficult child got into a huge fight with-one of his "friends" last wk. They are no longer friends. It's so sad. And scary. He blows up and gets into the ghetto mode and it's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He's got this "don't diss me" attitude, and it's VERY strange. You can't question him or argue any point at all. I think it's equal parts Aspie, pot/drugs, mood disorder, and mostly, learned behavior where he hasn't had anyone bigger than he is whip his butt yet.
Oh, by the way, when I told him how disgusting and vile his behavior/language was, he said it was MY fault (of COURSE ) because I made him take the CITY BUS last winter to visit his (pothead) friends, and that's where he learned it. (Obviously, he wasn't listening when the psychiatrist told him that we weren't going to make any progress until he was willing to take ALL responsibilitity for his actions.)
Not sure if the Strattera is working, but thank doG for lithium. And I think he smokes weed about once a wk. That's how often he has bloodshot eyes and is very tired and explodes if you come near him. He still smokes cigarettes, but with this sales training, he doesn't have the time to smoke. Yaaayy~
Even so, I emailed Hazeldon in Minn... thinking about rehab ... haven't even pitched it to husband yet.
I am going out of town for a week for a real vacation!!!! with easy child. Soooo excited. I will hear Temple Grandin speak in Mpls at an Art Therapy Assn Conference.
When I get home, I get to take difficult child to LabCorp for blood and urine testing. Oh, joy.
Plus, they tell you to practice selling to your family.
Okay, I can see the need for rehearsal ... but if that's where you sell your stuff, how do you *really* become a salesman?
I listened to his spiel, let him practice (poor guy, was literally reading the script, dropping pages all over, plus he'd asked me to put out food to slice, so there was a tomato with-juice on the cutting board, a partially peeled potato, carrots, rope, and leather. He would come to a complete halt to remove something from the cutting board, set it aside, say, "Okay," and then find his spot on the script.
It was so painful.
And that was before I cut myself, lol!
Sheesh, those things are sharp!!! It was only a fingernail, but still ...
husband and I agreed NOT to be his first sale. I actually need a sharpener and sheaths, and a paring knife. But I said "No thank you," and am forcing him to sell to others first. I'll buy those things in a few weeks.
He is worried he won't make it that long ... he said other people have hundreds of customers and sales. I guess they'll be the chosen few who get a free hunting knife if they sell $1,000 worth of mchdse in 10 days. I think that's an unreasonable goal for difficult child and he does too but at least he's giving it a try. He admitted that it's good practice. I told him that was a good attitude and that I was proud of him. There are so few opportunities to tell him that.
He actually has to wear "nice" clothes for the job, even when it's just conversation over the phone.
We met with-the therapist and gave difficult child 1 yr to move out. That means he has to be working FT and find a roommate or two in order to afford an apt or room. He is supposed to create a written plan to show progress. HA! Like that will happen. June 15, 2016 will pop up and he'll be out on the doorstep and wonder what happened.
If he makes it that long. He could still end up arrested for something stupid. But that could end up being his wakeup call.
A part of me wants it (an arrest) to happen sooner, just to get it over with. Another part of me wants to get him into rehab. And the Pollyanna part of me hopes he'll straighten up and fly right.
Meanwhile, he passed 3 classes and flunked 4. Still enough credits to become a senior.
Still dating H, but arguing with her for HOURS over the phone. If he spent that much time digging up contacts to sell to, he'd be rich!
And ex-girlfriend is now roughly 6 mo's along and showing. She is not planning to get a job, and is planning to study at home next yr.
Her mom finally got a job as a maid svc supervisor so that's one bright light.
He was supposed to give her mom $20 two wks ago, as a partial payment for a dr appmt, but the envelope just disappeared when he supposedly put it under the mailbox.
(Speaking of which, has anyone here tried to take away their adult child's cash to show them how it feels? Does it work? Do they "get it"? I'm guessing it just makes them madder and makes things worse. Just wondering ...)
difficult child got into a huge fight with-one of his "friends" last wk. They are no longer friends. It's so sad. And scary. He blows up and gets into the ghetto mode and it's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He's got this "don't diss me" attitude, and it's VERY strange. You can't question him or argue any point at all. I think it's equal parts Aspie, pot/drugs, mood disorder, and mostly, learned behavior where he hasn't had anyone bigger than he is whip his butt yet.
Oh, by the way, when I told him how disgusting and vile his behavior/language was, he said it was MY fault (of COURSE ) because I made him take the CITY BUS last winter to visit his (pothead) friends, and that's where he learned it. (Obviously, he wasn't listening when the psychiatrist told him that we weren't going to make any progress until he was willing to take ALL responsibilitity for his actions.)
Not sure if the Strattera is working, but thank doG for lithium. And I think he smokes weed about once a wk. That's how often he has bloodshot eyes and is very tired and explodes if you come near him. He still smokes cigarettes, but with this sales training, he doesn't have the time to smoke. Yaaayy~
Even so, I emailed Hazeldon in Minn... thinking about rehab ... haven't even pitched it to husband yet.
I am going out of town for a week for a real vacation!!!! with easy child. Soooo excited. I will hear Temple Grandin speak in Mpls at an Art Therapy Assn Conference.
When I get home, I get to take difficult child to LabCorp for blood and urine testing. Oh, joy.