Hi its Capri


New Member
Hi all,
finally back online and thought i would stop by and say hi to all you guys. Been a busy year and looking like another busy one to come this year too.
The kids have been out of school for two years now, and things are going really well for us, middle son(now 9) is off his medications and no longer suffers from mood swings or depression, or violent tendancies. Littlest daughter(now5) is a much happier little girl, with loads of friends and busy teaching herself to read and write at ever higher standards.
Eldest is likewise medication free and happily reading book after book, infact it can be hard to get her nose out of her latest book at times. Not bad for a kid who couldnt read simple books a year ago.

I dont fight with the NHS consultant any more and have tried a range of alternative therapies over the last year or so, such as chiropracters and homeopaths. But mostly we find if their life fits their needs the contentedness soon follows, and everyone is happier and more chilled out.
husband still works in the middle east, though hopefully not for long as we are moving this year, to scotland.

Well busy day ahead, so best go, hi to all i know, and pleased to meet all you new guys.


Former desparate mom
Wow, capri,what a great surprise. I have thought of you so often. It's wonderful to hear that the children have turned around and you are at peace.
Sending good thoughts that husband returns safely to his family and your move to Scotland is smooth.


New Member
<font color="purple">it is SO good to see you!! glad you were able to check in.

it sounds like you & the kids are doing very well. one of the best things about homeschooling is you can suite things to your childrens' needs. they seem to be making good educational progress as well as being so much less stressed about things. certainly you sound less stressed with-the school battles behind you.

so you're moving to scotland. any chance the internet connections are better there lol.

take care, sweetie. hopefully you can check in again soon.

kris :princess: :princess: :princess: :princess: :princess: :princess: </font>


Well-Known Member
Hi Capri,

Great to hear from you again and in such a positive way!

Sounds like the kids are doing great home :bravo:

Glad you found your way back and I hope we see you more regularly.



Well-Known Member
Wow! It's great to see you too! There have been a few posts since you've been gone, wondering if you were out there. You really have to check in more often! I'm glad things have gotten much better for you and the kids. :smile: