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So...difficult child started Adderall XR on Friday morning (5 mg). We had a GREAT day that day, though from what I've been told by the SW, it takes a little while for the medication to build up and acclimate in the system, so I'm guessing the two were unrelated and it was just a coincidence that we had such a great day (but, I was really hopeful anyway). Important to note, difficult child was on school vacation all week.
Over the weekend, difficult child was his usual chronically irritable self, but after watching the "Collaborative Problem Solving" DVD together, husband & I were working together to Basket C a lot of stuff to keep things meltdown free. Saturday night, difficult child slept over a friends house which usually goes well, and as far as we know, other than staying up a little late, it went well. If anything, he probably played a bit too long on his video games than he is allowed at home.
Sunday he was cranky, but again, we tried our best to just not be too "Basket A" and we made a lot of compromises (he wanted help bathing, so rather than arguing, I helped him...he wanted me to read him a story, so I read him one).
Monday was rough. He woke up yelling at his brother. He was removed from his classroom several times by the school SW. At the day hospital he was removed to the "quiet room" during a rage. We ate dinner at his grandmothers and he was loud and very on the verge of a meltdown several times. We came home and he was just a mess and then after his bath he just shut down and refused to get out of the tub, at which point I had to use "Emergency Basket B." After about 20 minutes of him punching & kicking the tub and throwing things, we eventually mutally agreed upon a solution and he got out of tub and finshed getting ready for bed...of course, after we completed the solution (which was that I would play with him for 12 minutes before bed), he refused to go to bed and raged for an HOUR forcing us to restrain him.
How do I know how much of this is his NORMAL raging (i.e. none of these darn medications are working) or how much of this could be INCREASED raging because of the medications (i.e. perhaps the reaction of an undx'd Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) child).
The WORST of it is that I got a call from the School SW today saying that he's having a HORRIBLE day at school today (it's no wonder, because I almost couldn't get him out of the house- he was insisting I get his clothes for him or he wasn't going to school) and if he kept disrupting the other students, she'd have to send him home. I told her if she sent him home, he'd go into TOTAL MELTDOWN/RAGE and as a result would not go to the day hospital today because they won't take him, which means I will spend the rest of the day restraining him, which really means most likely I will be forced to call 911 for a medical transport back to the hospital. :frown: He's spiraling again and it feels like nothing I do is enough to help him.
Over the weekend, difficult child was his usual chronically irritable self, but after watching the "Collaborative Problem Solving" DVD together, husband & I were working together to Basket C a lot of stuff to keep things meltdown free. Saturday night, difficult child slept over a friends house which usually goes well, and as far as we know, other than staying up a little late, it went well. If anything, he probably played a bit too long on his video games than he is allowed at home.
Sunday he was cranky, but again, we tried our best to just not be too "Basket A" and we made a lot of compromises (he wanted help bathing, so rather than arguing, I helped him...he wanted me to read him a story, so I read him one).
Monday was rough. He woke up yelling at his brother. He was removed from his classroom several times by the school SW. At the day hospital he was removed to the "quiet room" during a rage. We ate dinner at his grandmothers and he was loud and very on the verge of a meltdown several times. We came home and he was just a mess and then after his bath he just shut down and refused to get out of the tub, at which point I had to use "Emergency Basket B." After about 20 minutes of him punching & kicking the tub and throwing things, we eventually mutally agreed upon a solution and he got out of tub and finshed getting ready for bed...of course, after we completed the solution (which was that I would play with him for 12 minutes before bed), he refused to go to bed and raged for an HOUR forcing us to restrain him.
How do I know how much of this is his NORMAL raging (i.e. none of these darn medications are working) or how much of this could be INCREASED raging because of the medications (i.e. perhaps the reaction of an undx'd Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) child).
The WORST of it is that I got a call from the School SW today saying that he's having a HORRIBLE day at school today (it's no wonder, because I almost couldn't get him out of the house- he was insisting I get his clothes for him or he wasn't going to school) and if he kept disrupting the other students, she'd have to send him home. I told her if she sent him home, he'd go into TOTAL MELTDOWN/RAGE and as a result would not go to the day hospital today because they won't take him, which means I will spend the rest of the day restraining him, which really means most likely I will be forced to call 911 for a medical transport back to the hospital. :frown: He's spiraling again and it feels like nothing I do is enough to help him.