IEP meeting not good


New Member
We had an IEP meeting yesterday. This meeting has been sought after for 10 years by us. The school sees no behavioral problem and he only acts up at home except for homework and missing work and disorganization. The IEP found him eligible for services and identified him as Learning Disability (LD) in written expression. They however gave him the choice if he wanted to get help and because he is ODD, ADHD and has an anger management problem he said no, he doesn't want to be labeled "Learning Disability (LD) or stupid" his words. So with that the closed the case and found him ineligible for an IEP and that is that. He can still have a 504 but the teachers in the past have not helped with that at all. Any suggestions what to do next? I am sorry if this is so scrambled but it is a bad night and I feel tangental tonight. Thanks for any and all help.


School districts transfer rights at age 17 "in preparation" for children making their own educational decisions with the SD regarding IEP etc. at 18.

This is a way in my opinion to get kids OUT OF SCHOOL because since WE can't manage in many cases to wring services out of a SD, our children will be successful at representing themselves?

The only folks who effectively avoid this are those who seek guardianship (not a lot of kids on this site are candidates) or those who can get their 17 year olds to sign power of attorney to make educational decisions for them the day they turn 18. Not too many ODD 17 years olds would go for this plan unfortunately. Mine MIGHT have because he loathed the Diretor of Sp Ed in the h.s. district and feared him. However, by then, he was out of sp ed and out of public school so whether or not he would have given me power of att'y was moot.



New Member
He is 16 will be 17 at begin of school next year. They think the only acccommodation to be made is to put him in a Learning Disability (LD) classroom, which I think should be one to make, however they say that since he doesn't want to go into the Learning Disability (LD) classroom he is inellig for IEP. "If he doesn't want to agree to things we cant make him do it, he has to be on board" I do not know any child with ODD that agrees to anything that will help them. Even if he thinks it will he won't because it is what I want.


In one sense, the SD is correct--if he isn't agreeing, he cut class, cause problems for the Learning Disability (LD) teacher, etc. On the other hand, he is still a minor and THIS IS THE LAST YEAR you will have any control over what happens. If he were considered EBD, then your argument would be more familiar to the SD. SOME Learning Disability (LD) kids are compliant, but most kids with behavioral and emotional problems are not. They will not want to qualify him as EBD, but I believe the REAL reason they do not want him to have an IEP is that if he does, then they cannot expel him or suspend him at will. An IEP confers tremendous legal protection which is of great potential benefit to any ODD student--a diagnosis category with a very low graduation rate.
