<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>Things were going well they had upped his medications last week and I had just commented to my sister that I wasn't sure if its the medications or we are going through a good period. WELL now I know. Tonight difficult child and easy child went to local dance. I was just "riding" by and happened to see difficult child outside of this dance along the street with this weeks girlfriend and another boy. I pulled over and told him to get in the car NOW. Of course this was met with great hostility. Threats to me telling me he hated me yada yada yada, (truth is the Yada yada yada hurt a lot) Ended up calling local police to put him in my car. This of course met with greater Yada yada. He wants to go live with his dad who is currently visiting the local hooscow. What do I say to him in a.m.? And where do I go from here? He said he would rather live somewhere else. This is common right? Please tell me I am not alone? I try just to ignore, but he really hurt me tonight.</span> </span> :crying: