Cory is still in jail under a $6000 bond. I went and saw him yesterday.
A friend of ours is in jail there for a child support issue and is watching him. He has made trustee status so he has more leeway in the jail. He told me that Cory isnt real stable and is breaking down quite regularly in there. I asked this guy to keep an eye on him for me and to try and get them to refer him to psychiatric.
I actually had a pretty good conversation with Cory. He had some moments where he wanted to refer blame where it didnt belong but when I shifted it back onto his shoulders he accepted it. He told me that he was completely done with all drugs and cigarettes. He had made that decision the moment he was arrested and said he had realized that smoking pot and hanging with these friends was leading him down a path hell bent on destruction. He said he knows now he has to accept that he needs to be on medications and get therapy. He has talked to a lawyer and all that good stuff.
He will be in there for at least a couple more weeks to really think long and hard about this.
I think if he complies with medications, therapy, working, studying for his GED, going to substance abuse meetings, maybe finding a church to meet better friends, then he will be ok. Maybe he can turn things around. Thats all I ever wanted.