I just discovered this website yesturday and I'm hoping to get some support and answers. I'm not quite sure what the protocol is on this site yet, so please forgive me if I don't use the right acronyms. My DS is 4 years old and I have been struggling with defiance and massive temper tantrums since he was 16 months old. He will lose his temper over things that in my opinion are totally illogical and get upset about things that are opposite what they should be. For instance, I have warned him about getting a spank for something and he would say no I don't want one and apologize, then when I said "ok, thank you for your apology" he will scream at me "I want a spank!" My other DS is 2 and I have had absolutely no challenges with him. I am not "comparing" either of them, but I do know that something is not right about my oldest. We recently (year and a half) moved to GA from Calif. In a round about way I also discovered that any of the Red Dyes set him off, so I have eliminated that from his diet. However, that has not eliminated the behavior. I just recently heard about ODD and am not even sure if I should have him seen. It is a moderate case, not slight enough to say that it's infrequent, but certainly not all day every day occurances. I'm hoping to find some clarity on this site and I'm very weary as you all say of not having any answers. I do have to comment on the fact though, that any of the classes (Sunday School, or weekly Mommy meetings) the teachers never complain about his behavior. So I'm trying to untangle the thoughts in my head.
Please feel free to ask all and any questions...I will be honest and I just want some certainty as to what this could possibly be.
Thanks for being here.
I just discovered this website yesturday and I'm hoping to get some support and answers. I'm not quite sure what the protocol is on this site yet, so please forgive me if I don't use the right acronyms. My DS is 4 years old and I have been struggling with defiance and massive temper tantrums since he was 16 months old. He will lose his temper over things that in my opinion are totally illogical and get upset about things that are opposite what they should be. For instance, I have warned him about getting a spank for something and he would say no I don't want one and apologize, then when I said "ok, thank you for your apology" he will scream at me "I want a spank!" My other DS is 2 and I have had absolutely no challenges with him. I am not "comparing" either of them, but I do know that something is not right about my oldest. We recently (year and a half) moved to GA from Calif. In a round about way I also discovered that any of the Red Dyes set him off, so I have eliminated that from his diet. However, that has not eliminated the behavior. I just recently heard about ODD and am not even sure if I should have him seen. It is a moderate case, not slight enough to say that it's infrequent, but certainly not all day every day occurances. I'm hoping to find some clarity on this site and I'm very weary as you all say of not having any answers. I do have to comment on the fact though, that any of the classes (Sunday School, or weekly Mommy meetings) the teachers never complain about his behavior. So I'm trying to untangle the thoughts in my head.
Please feel free to ask all and any questions...I will be honest and I just want some certainty as to what this could possibly be.
Thanks for being here.