Um.......I am not sure I really want to answer this here.......but-----
Lets see. husband was catatonic combat PTS since 1990. multiple psychiatric hospital stays, never ever came home any better than when went in. Actually, truth told, he came home worse. 10 years of day treatment. Seems he came home from day treatment most days um..with his emotions on his sleeve and in his throat. And then they wound up in mine and the kids faces. so many many many diagnosis along the way, and so many many medications. Thousands of group, marital, family and indiv therapy appts. Many ended on a sour note, One day he was sitting in a coffee shop, and the man next to him was telling someone else about "some guy who xyz" and my husband turned and asked where did you hear THAT? the guy told him, turns out that guy in the coffee shop was discussing something - an experience my husband had in group- so my husband asked for names- and got his own name. YIKES. He NEVER went back to day treatment nor to any more groups. altho he still goes to 1-1 appts on occasion and still sees neuro and psychiatrist.
His medications? several times caused him major severe crisis -----psychosis, electrolyte problems, blood pressure problems etc. Approx 3 years ago, he slowly backed off all psychiatric medications. Truth is he is now better than he was from 1990 - 2000. altho his memory is all but gone and he does still have problems with PTSD and anger and paranoia BUT around 2000 they also found brain lesions/tumors.
My dtr had been in in home therapy, WRAP, SASS, girls group, siblings group, family therapy, 1-1, social skills groups, coping skills, anger management, since age 3 in 1991. She has had 3 neuropsychologist evaluations at 2 diff providers. We have been thru countless parenting groups. She has had a LONG list of diagnosis'es. Also a VERY long list of medications. She has never been aggressive or violent. When the school placed her in an ED BD class, our life went from bad to MUCH worse in the blink of an eye. It also brought us a whole new group of kids hanging around, vandalising, attacking her etc. SOmewhere recently I posted about our in home help experiences......they were pretty negative.
The medications also were never something I would say worked out well. Stims? Ritalin, NOT long acting was not too bad, but then ADs and then suicidal issues, and self harm, and hoarding, and then increased depression......and then the panic attacks began.....the ADs made them worse, the ED BD class made it MUCH worse. Add in APs and her blood pressure and heart rate went totally nuts......and she gained a LOT of weight, (she had been so slim when on Ritalin and then got so big- in all the wrong places) She got hurt in psychiatric hospital-----more than once. Her discharge plan (again in another recent post) was a joke.
by age 13 we transferred her care to a major university and they did a medication wash and they backed dtr out of ALL other services- "to give her a chance to heal" Truth is the school shoved her (no, they did not nudge) out------she spent a year at home, sleeping, eating, and slowly "coming to" and another year testing the water and right now is prolly the MOST stable and BEST I have seen her since she was 3 years old.
My son has atypical seizures. He also has a lot of other "issues" in k-garten my dtrs psychiatrist wanted to put my son on medications......concerta, adderal, becuz my son was not learning to read, he was not toilet training, he could not figure out how to ride a bike, and after all mom, dad and sister all had a mental illness diagnosis. My son walked and talked and ran and bathed IN HIS SLEEP.
The medications made him miserable, he was NEVER without a tremendous headache, he is a picky eater but then he could NOT tolerate eating AT ALL......and he could not sleep. Behavior mod docs were already in home for dtr, and they decided to work with him. He did NOT do well in behav mod. Not at all.
Alas at that time, he had an MRI for "toe walking" and was found to have heterotopia.......and cerebal palsy. and atypical seizures. I then took HIM to the univ hospital and they stopped his medications and the behav mod.
His school denied him any special help reading or writing, and his school wanted him medicated, but of course, due to new laws, could not demand it.......
Due to his eye trauma, he wound up missing a LOT of school, and there were issues------he is now home, and to my shock, he now DOES read and he is slowly learning to write!!!!!!! BUT------we use NO medications, and we use NO "services" for him.
I was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) so many years ago, I can barely remember. I had a few crummy tdocs who kept me agitated. I had a few psychiatrists who seemed to not care about my concerns or complaints with the medications they gave me......seems every time they wanted to do something with a medication, I wound up in ER. Or psychotic, or close to it. I did over 5 years in day treatment, but I also worked full time at the same time. I would scream at my psychiatrist and say hey, I am doing great at work, I do fine at home.....I did not do so well in day treatment, mostly becuz my issues were nothing at all like anyone elses in day treatment, noone else there worked. and everyone else in my day treatment sessions lived in group homes.
Eventually I could not keep up with work plus day treatment plus taking care of my kids needs and husband needs.
SO I simply stopped going. and I lost health coverage and hated how the medications made me feel, so I stopped those, too.
I still had a therapist for awhile and she was like a cheerleader to me, always encouraging me and praising me when I did well. Then she moved away.
Now -here at my house, in my family......we have been services free now for 3 years. We have also been medication free 3 years. This is The Calmest our life has EVER been.
The last diagnosis we had was---husband- scizoaffective disorder, combat PTSD, multiple cancers from Agent Orange exposure and early ALzhiemers.
me age 47- bipolar and general anxiety
oldest difficult child dtr age 18- major panic attacks and bipolar, middle dtr age 16 no diagnosis, son age 11, heterotopia, atypical seizures, cerebal palsy.
My husband and oldest dtr do still have psychiatrist and neurodoc, they see approx every 6 months. My son has 2 neuro docs, one psychiatrist, one genticist following him and of course a multitude of eye specialists right now.
We get by most days pretty well. We do a lot of walking away from someone who is angry. we definetly pick our battles. we do our best to keep it low key. if someone is agitated we leave them alone.
My dtr is now working on GED and is getting excited about takeing a few college classes. My son is exploring the world of creating things-------says he wants to be an engineer. My middle child is an overacheiver and quite busy.
DId any of those places help? I am not sure. I tend to think no- I tend to think they made things worse. Way too often they spent time teaching my oldest child coping skills the school would not accept. They kept my husband too focused on too much excuses and too much self indulgence and too much on what he could not or should not do instead of helping him learn to help himself or DO anything. and they were far too quick to want to shove psychiatric medications down my sons throat when he has not ever displayed any real psychiatric issues. Living our life with somuch in home scrutiny and us being analyzed over every breathe we took, my oldest dtr and I got to where we could not function unless someone gguided us. we could not grow. we were always waiting for someone to tell us it was ok. My poor little son was born smack dab into it and until he was 9 or 10, I swear he thought EVERYONE had case managers, mentors, therapists, and locked drug cabinets as big as a linen closet. and that everyone in the world took a bath on a reward and punishment system.
I think it made our life harder. ANd I think it did not help my kids very much if it helped at all, no, I think it hurt them more than helped.