New Member
difficult child gets lunched packed EVERY day (As do I) luch at school is 2.50 a day, and is smorgens board style - lots of sugar etc - he in first grade - does not make good eating choices.. So today - and I do not know how many other days difficult child lied and said he did not have a lunch.. so he could get school lunch... came home and told SO he did not eat today, SO asked if he thought it would get him sympathy if he tried to starve himself - he said YES... SO called me tells me about this, I know this boy and know there is not way in HE double L he would EVERY miss a meal... So SO quizes him on it kept saying no he did not eat... he did not tell anyone at school he did not have a lunch, until SO (VERY smart lady) finally tells him - well I hope you are telling the truth because they keep track in there computers and I am going to be calling them in a min.... BFB quicky states he did and he got a school lunch - he just wanted to try healty foods - like nuggets!!! MY Goodness!!! It just keeps getting deeper! This sounds minor I know, but it is just another thing on top of many... The last thing I need is the state showing up asking why I am starving my well-fed child!
GARRRRRR..... What do you do with this? Friday is a no school day gradeing is taking place... I am going to take the morning off work and go to the school to talk to the principal about it and see if difficult child can work it off on his lunch time maybe cleaning the caffertia floors!! - Maybe with a tooth brush... No I wouldn't - not with a tooth brush anyway....
I contact insurance about getting a Psch and NeroPsch lined up and have been told I need a referal from a counsolr - Regardless that the old Neruo from over a year ago recommended re-doing it after a year... Counsolors have historically only made things worse for us... again GARRRR.....
Thanks for hearing my vent... it is just so fustrating - I just want to be able to relax, smile and laugh with my family... at least once in a while ya know???
GARRRRRR..... What do you do with this? Friday is a no school day gradeing is taking place... I am going to take the morning off work and go to the school to talk to the principal about it and see if difficult child can work it off on his lunch time maybe cleaning the caffertia floors!! - Maybe with a tooth brush... No I wouldn't - not with a tooth brush anyway....
I contact insurance about getting a Psch and NeroPsch lined up and have been told I need a referal from a counsolr - Regardless that the old Neruo from over a year ago recommended re-doing it after a year... Counsolors have historically only made things worse for us... again GARRRR.....
Thanks for hearing my vent... it is just so fustrating - I just want to be able to relax, smile and laugh with my family... at least once in a while ya know???