The recipe was great, it smelled so good and I was right there with my mouth watering until he added the heavy cream. LOL I'm lactose intollerant. I told my sister watch he'll make something with lactose in it and he did. My heart sank because it looked sooooo good. So I had to sit there and look at it in front of me the whole show while my sister and her sister in law ate theirs. At a break when they found out I couldn't eat it, the guy host began eating mine and at the end of the show he ate my whole dinner and it was pretty funny.
It was fun, they had a vet on talking about heartworm and parasites and such things. They did a segment on our local playhouse theater and the broadway shows that are coming this summer. They did a segment on Robert Kincaid paintings. And I think that was about it. Robin Svoboda has been a local tv personality for years here, she quit to have kids for about ten years but now came back for this morning show. I don't think the show will last because it's just not got a lot of substance but we had a great time and they were very nice.