New Member
hi all i am new to this forum i have an 11 yr old son who has ODD and we are having a very difficult time dealing with it. lastnight with the straw that broke the camels back sort of speek. we where in walmart and my son wanted a toy i had told him not this time but maybe next time. he started pouting and getting an attitude so i ask my husband if sean could ride home with him. at this point my husband tries to direct him to the doors and out to the car. seans decide to pitch a fit and make a seen all the way out to the car. some one at the store called the police and my husband was almost arrested and will now have to go to court on child abuse charges for escorting his son out to the car. sean also told the police his dad punched him. now i love my son and on most occasions i would take his word for it but i KNOW his dad wouldnt punch him. i dont know what to do other than put him in a school for troubled preteens and i cant afford the 45000 it would cost to do so. help