New Member
So, we ment we met with the Social Worker at the psychiatric hospital yesterday. He has the same SW as last time and he's just not very personable at all. We explained how we had a very short "honeymoon" period after discharge and then thinks basically went back to normal at home and then this past week went rapidly into crisis at home and school, which is how he ended up back in the psychiatric hospital. Also explained the new suicidal thoughts since adding the Adderall last Friday and my great concern with the apparent visual hallucinations ("I can see the future") which we're not clear on if that is new since the Adderall or not.
SW sort of blew off the severity of the visual hallucintations as him just being imaginative, worrisome, and anxious and used that as the reason they switched him to the Seroquel, which has some more anxiety control components to it. He didn't even bring up the suicidal thoughts. They're LEAVING the Adderall XR!!! And early next week they're going to add an SSRI, possibly Zoloft I think is what they said, for the anxiety they think he has.
husband & I AGAIN requested a neuropsychologist exam. Of course, husband mispoke and said the wrong thing first (I think he said Neuro testing or something) and the SW started saying..."well, a CT scan or MRI.." and I quickly inturrupted and said, "No...a neuropsychologist EXAM" and SW again started saying, "Well, a CT scan or MRI..." and I said again, "NO..we want a neuropsychologist EXAM!" and he said, "Well, we could look into getting a MRI or a CT scan" and I felt like jumping accross the table and shaking the idoit and saying don't play me for an idiot, I know what freakin' field you work in and I know YOU know what I'm talking about and I've asked you for one before..."I WANT A neuropsychologist EXAM FOR MY CHILD!" and then my husband said, "OUR INSURANCE WILL PAY FOR IT" and then he said, "Oh? Will it? Well, maybe we can look into that?" OMG...I just wanted to shake the man. You're not going to LOOK INTO're going to DO IT. Stop guessing on medications for my child...he has obvious triggers and nobody knows WHY they are triggers...can we get the
exam and find out WHY and figure out WHAT we're trying to medicate?!?!? AGRGGGGGGGG!!!
But, of course, the night before, we had "Family Night" which is run by the woman who does the insurance billing for the unit and she was saying she totally agrees that our son should have a neuropsychologist, but that since the unit bills as a package, we'd have to take him off unit to get the exam done. So, looks like we'll have to wait for discharge to get any answers. Meanwhile, we'll have to put up with the medication cocktail they think will stabalize difficult child to get him safe and out of there. And who knows how quickly we'll be able to get the neuropsychologist scheduled. ::
Meanwhile, I'm anxious to see if the SSRI induces a mania...I read on that they can do that and cause some pretty violent rages. Any of you have any experience with that? How long does it take a SSRI to take effect? I'm sort of afraid they're going to put him on the SSRI and then quickly discharge him....only for us to have to deal with the fall-out at home. :frown: That's what they did with the Zyprexa...switched him off Risperdal to the Zyprexa...and VERY quickly sent him home on a non-theraputic dose. (heck, no dose was ever theraputic for him!)
SW sort of blew off the severity of the visual hallucintations as him just being imaginative, worrisome, and anxious and used that as the reason they switched him to the Seroquel, which has some more anxiety control components to it. He didn't even bring up the suicidal thoughts. They're LEAVING the Adderall XR!!! And early next week they're going to add an SSRI, possibly Zoloft I think is what they said, for the anxiety they think he has.
husband & I AGAIN requested a neuropsychologist exam. Of course, husband mispoke and said the wrong thing first (I think he said Neuro testing or something) and the SW started saying..."well, a CT scan or MRI.." and I quickly inturrupted and said, "No...a neuropsychologist EXAM" and SW again started saying, "Well, a CT scan or MRI..." and I said again, "NO..we want a neuropsychologist EXAM!" and he said, "Well, we could look into getting a MRI or a CT scan" and I felt like jumping accross the table and shaking the idoit and saying don't play me for an idiot, I know what freakin' field you work in and I know YOU know what I'm talking about and I've asked you for one before..."I WANT A neuropsychologist EXAM FOR MY CHILD!" and then my husband said, "OUR INSURANCE WILL PAY FOR IT" and then he said, "Oh? Will it? Well, maybe we can look into that?" OMG...I just wanted to shake the man. You're not going to LOOK INTO're going to DO IT. Stop guessing on medications for my child...he has obvious triggers and nobody knows WHY they are triggers...can we get the

But, of course, the night before, we had "Family Night" which is run by the woman who does the insurance billing for the unit and she was saying she totally agrees that our son should have a neuropsychologist, but that since the unit bills as a package, we'd have to take him off unit to get the exam done. So, looks like we'll have to wait for discharge to get any answers. Meanwhile, we'll have to put up with the medication cocktail they think will stabalize difficult child to get him safe and out of there. And who knows how quickly we'll be able to get the neuropsychologist scheduled. ::

Meanwhile, I'm anxious to see if the SSRI induces a mania...I read on that they can do that and cause some pretty violent rages. Any of you have any experience with that? How long does it take a SSRI to take effect? I'm sort of afraid they're going to put him on the SSRI and then quickly discharge him....only for us to have to deal with the fall-out at home. :frown: That's what they did with the Zyprexa...switched him off Risperdal to the Zyprexa...and VERY quickly sent him home on a non-theraputic dose. (heck, no dose was ever theraputic for him!)