Not a great start with Eeyore's teacher


Active Member
Eeyore's teacher told me that I couldn't have a copy of the readers they are using in reading class because they aren't considered textbooks so his IEP accomodation that I get a copy of all textbooks doesn't include them.

I had called to clarify why she told Eeyore he shouldn't tell people her room was the "Special Education room". (Yeah let's teach the kids that there is something shameful about needing Special Education. She said she was shocked that the kids called it that - did they really want people to know??? ugh)

Also, they had a icebreaker activity where they had to walk around and get other kids to sign a sheet of paper. Eeyore had ONE signature (the goal was 10). Okay, this would be a social skills activity, where was the support to keep him involved?????

UGH /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/backed_in_corner.gif UGH /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/backed_in_corner.gif UGH


New Member

in my opinion, none of that sounds encouraging. I don't even know what to say. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/worried.gif



This is NOT good. We believe APPROPRIATE Special Education should help, and is not something to be ashamed of. That is why we fight for it.

Ask for an IEP meeting (this is one exception to the certified mail--read on) but first talk to whomever manages difficult child's IEP. Be very discouraged that you will have to take everyone's time when it is OBVIOUS you were supposed to get copies of all books--but this teacher is being very literal. The case manager may get the book for you with no problem wishing to avoid all the delay and paperwork involved. HOWEVER, if the case manager is a concrete thinker also, then send a CERTIFIED letter requesting an IEP review to make NEEDED changes to include any books difficult child will be using.

It shouldn't be this hard.

Martie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/war_mom.gif


Active Member
Well, I haven't spoken to the teacher but she did put a note in Eeyore home-school notebook about his reading level. In our infamous conversation, she insisted that Eeyore was in her class due to his very low (she said1.6; I told her to actually read the IEP that he hasn't been 1.6 since 2nd grade) reading level and that I was wrong when I said that he was in her room due to his anxiety and other Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified symptoms preventing him from maintaining in a loud, busy reg ed room. (Cause mom's don't know anything right..)

He tested at an independent reading level of 2.8 and an instructional level of 3.6. His fluency is the only thing that is at a first grade level (okay, so the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) kid doesn't understand the pragmatics of language, who'd have thought it?)

And those books that "can't come home"...Kanga is at the same instructional level, in the same program but in the 6th grade room, and she brought one home today! I just laughed.


Worrisome. Do you know whether she's read the IEP yet? She may have him confused with another child.

And those books that "can't come home"...Kanga is at the same instructional level, in the same program but in the 6th grade room, and she brought one home today! I just laughed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't that special?

I know you probably know this, but even book tapes can come home if it's in the IEP.

Sometimes I'm not even sure our school district uses textbooks anymore. Yes, they have them, but everything I see is a copy out of various workbooks.


Well-Known Member
Any teacher would allow the childs' parent to have it. Or she make could a copy, or find a way. It should be her PLEASURE to help you help your child. This teacher herself is ashamed, and that is what she is conveyiing to the kids. AWFUL!!!!Where WAS the support to keep him involved?? I am sorry,I work with autistic kids, we love the kids, their parents-and they parents love us. We constantly modify everything according to their abilities. If this teacher cannot tell what your childs level is-not to mention see the potential, that is truly sad for the child. It takes 2 years for a "regular ed" student to catch up from having a bad teacher; 2 bad teachers in row and they rarely recover. This teacher needs to be more proactive in helping your child succeed. Definately take your concerns to the case manager immediately!! Stay on top of everything and I would even ask the teacher why she wasn't supporting your child in getting the ten names. Tell her you are disappointed.


Active Member
This teacher is the case manager. So I had to go to the principal. She echoed what the teacher said but I insisted that the reader come home. They kept saying we'll send one home of the same level we don't want him bored. Well, if my child that is 2 years behind in reading even after being retained a year is able to get bored because he knows it so well - bravo, move him along. I don't care about your reading groups, he is on an IEP in a specialized room with 8 children and an aide. DO YOUR JOB.

I'm trying to straighten out the last issue with Kanga's classes (clerical error in that the wrong books on tape were prepared for her, new ones ordered and will be here next week but we need to really support her through these first couple of weeks since she can't 'use' the textbook - but the teacher is being great).

Then, I may reconvene Eeyore's IEP meeting - such a silly thing to have to do over getting a book.


Well-Known Member
You know, JJJ, as a taxpayer who sees the big picture, I've never understood why a school would hold back on providing supports and resources to a struggling student. The better your child is able to do at this age may very well impact whether or not your child requires continuing financial assistance as an adult. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bonkers.gif


Active Member
Yes, TM, but his financial assistance after the next 5 years comes from a different taxing body (separate grade school and high school taxing district). I firmly believe that fact is the driving force behind their flat out refusal to retain Special Education kids. The high school district, of course, has to keep them until they're 21 if they want to stay so they don't get pushed as hard through there. Likely Kanga will go 5-6 years to high school before college. She can learn, it just takes an awful long time.


Active Member
Things are looking up. I met with his teacher last night said she that I was right and he is her highest level student. That she would like to push him hard and see if he can make up some of the ground he had lost in his 1st two years of school. She says he is doing fine in his mainstream classes and that the only problem he is having is he has trouble getting started on his daily morning worksheet that they are suppose to do when they get off the bus. (He can do the work, he just is very fidgity at that first transition.).

We compromised and at least for now the book will come home once a week. And I will "push into" the classroom as a helper occassionally so I can check on him and give her a hand while I'm at it.

This is her first year with the self-contained room and I guess she just needed to feel her way through the first few weeks, but I'm very happy we seem to be on the same page now.