

MOM of 3
His EEG was normal, after talking to the psychiatrist, he officially diagnosed Eric with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, I honestly cant say weather to be happy I have a diagnosis and know what he has is called or to be sad that what I thought was true.:confused:


Well-Known Member
The thing to remember is that your little guy is the same child you loved as before his diagnosis. This just gives you a road map to treatment and interventions. Many parents don't want to label their kids, but the label may get you much needed services.


Mom? What's a difficult child?
I agree with TM. Now you can stand up for him and really argue your case, with some backup! Unfortunately most people take us a little more seriously with a diagnosis...


New Member
(((HUGS))) I hope this can become a point from which to move toward getting him what he needs most. None of this is easy, is it? Hang in there!


Well-Known Member
A diagnosis often opens the door to a wide range of services, interventions and accommodations that you can't get without one.

You always knew that something was up with your difficult child. Now you have a direction to follow in getting him the right kind of help.
