New Member
I need a "shakes head" smiley at the moment. I have been planning to post about how well difficult child has been doing since we got his medications sorted out. We went and had a meeting with the school last week and the teachers have said that since he's been back from the xmas holidays (when we got the medications sorted out) he has been doing very well. The occasional issue, but nothing extreme. They told us that he has been doing so well, that one parent (I am guessing from his class) asked if he was no longer at the school as she hadn't heard of any problems regarding him :blush: We got medications to help him in the evening with his hockey as well and things have been going great for him there too. He is still having the tics, but they are minimal and usually in the evening when he is at home.
So we have been enjoying a semi-normal life, haha! What was I thinking :hammer: Today he and a friend decided to cut each others hair :wildone: and he was mouthing off to his teacher. Haven't seen the haircut yet as husband picked him up from school to go straight to a doctors appointment.
Guess one can't get too cozy with these ones :rofl: I'm not sure whether to be mad or shake my head.
So we have been enjoying a semi-normal life, haha! What was I thinking :hammer: Today he and a friend decided to cut each others hair :wildone: and he was mouthing off to his teacher. Haven't seen the haircut yet as husband picked him up from school to go straight to a doctors appointment.
Guess one can't get too cozy with these ones :rofl: I'm not sure whether to be mad or shake my head.