Parent Checklist: At the IEP Meeting



At THE ARD MEETING: A Parent Checklist
(Be sure you keep a copy for yourself.)

Be sure the IEP for your child includes:

___ A statement of progress your child has made on her previous IEP objectives.

___ Information about current educational performance and how the disability affects the child's involvement and progress in the general curriculum (TEKS):

___ Measurable annual goals and short-term objectives or benchmarks for each annual goal.

___ Method for measuring progress toward goals and objectives and how and when progress will be reported to you.

___ Special education and related services to be provided.

___ Positive behavior strategies or a behavior intervention plan, if needed.

___ Modifications of the curriculum (TEKS) (such as a different instructional level) your child needs to participate in the same learning activities as other students her age.

___ Supplementary aids or services your child needs to participate in regular education classes and activities.

___ Supports to be provided for school personnel.

___ Specifics about each instructional and related service, including date to begin, minutes per session, frequency of sessions, location and position (e.g., “special education teacher,” “physical therapist,” rather than someone’s name) responsible for each service in the IEP.

___ Special materials, equipment, resources and/or assistive technology needed, and when they will be made available.

___ A statement of ANY academic or extracurricular activity in which your child will NOT participate with non-disabled students, and the reasons why.

___ Any accomodations she needs to take the TAKS, or a determination she will take a specific level of the SDAA (State Developed Alternative Assessment) or LDAA (Locally Determined Alternative Assessment) instead.

___ If necessary, a statement of any exceptions to the district policies such as participation in extra-curricular activities and the student code of conduct, and the reasons for the exceptions.

___ A statement of needed transition services by age 14 and for students age 16 and over any parts of the ITP that are the responsibility of the school district.

___ Goals and Objectives for ESY from the current IEP.

___ Signatures of the ARD committee members and statements of your agreement or disagreement with any part of the IEP.

Step 6: After the Meeting

You have just spent a great deal of time and effort developing an appropriate IEP for your child. Now you want to make sure that it is implemented and your child is progressing in the general curriculum according to the IEP. Following are some of the ways parents can stay involved to ensure effective implementation of the students IEP:

• be a support member of your team;
• stay actively involved and offer to help;
• give positive feedback to teachers and administrators about things that work well for your child during the school year;
• become involved and visible by volunteering in the classroom, library, or other school program; attend school functions; join the P.T.A. and participate in site-based management teams and meetings and special events;
• communicate regularly with teachers throughout the year (notebooks, phone calls, e-mails, meetings and conferences);
• share articles and other resources of interest with teachers and other school personnel; and/or
• attend joint trainings with school staff.