Questions on Group homes.


New Member
difficult child tells me he is forth on the list for a group home. Can anyone give me an idea how long a wait that could be? How long does a person stay at a group home on the average? Where do they typically progress to from there? If he is place at one at a less than ideal site can he stay on the list for one closer to home? -RM


Well-Known Member
I have no idea but could you maybe contact the agency which handles the types of group homes he would be considering living in? I would assume you are looking into group homes for the mentally ill right? Therefore I would assume you would contact the department of mental health. They should have a list of all the approved group homes in your area and you could ask them what the waiting list is like. Also social services might be a good contact.

Someplace online there should be a list of all approved group homes. The trick is finding that list.
What is the name of the Group Home?

Once you have that, and the list of alternatives to which he might be discharged, you can research the facility.

The issue is often less which one is closer than which one best meets his needs.

You can only know that by researching more than one home.

Another thing you might try is an internet search for the kind of home you think might best suit your son's needs.

Then, agitate for placement there.

Most states have a general needs number you can call ~ in Minnesota, the number was 211.

These people will be able to help you begin your search, and will be knowledgable about funding, as well.

Look in your phone book under the Social Services section for your state, RM.

As always, wishing well.




New Member
Mental health caseworker is coordinating the search and has placed him on the wait lists. he has interviewed me and asked what services I think difficult child cold benefit from. I speak with him regularly and have asked how soon an opening will come about but he just says it will be a while. He also told me that there are not too many homes that will accept difficult child due to his past violence. Also, difficult child has to remain within the county to get his services. We are not paying for this. difficult child is emancipated from us as of January 1. I have agreed to act in an executive function and difficult child has signed releases for all to speak with me. I was just looking for someone who has experienced the waiting game to give me some insight. Thank you all for your responses.


New Member
I know I found soberhouses on line for difficult child to look into, just by putting in keyword soberhouses. You could try that. As far as the wait, I guess it all depends on when a bed opens up in one. When difficult child was in rehab he had his name into a few of the houses and had to wait for the first available bed. It was just a matter of a few weeks of looking for him, but I don't know about the type of facility you are looking for. My son can live in his soberhouse as long as he stays clean and sober and pays his rent and follows the rules. Not sure what the difference is between group homes and soberhouses.


New Member
Thanks Karen I too am new at this and not sure about the difference. I do know there will be many rules. Probably many more than difficult child had while living here. hopefully he will be able to follow them. -RM


(the future) MRS. GERE
RM, would living there be part of his probation? Would it be court-ordered or something he is doing for himself independent of that?

As a minor, Rob went to a GH after he was released from the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). In his case it was court-ordered and he was on probation the whole time he was there. Once his probation was up, and he was over 18, he could sign himself out at any time...and he did. He stayed for a little over a year.

I know there are also Independent Living networks out there because Rob was offered that for after the GH. That was offered through MHMR. Since Rob didn't feel the need for any MHMR services :hammer:, he turned down the opportunity. They were talking about an apartment, job coach, weekly check in by a caseworker, stuff like that. We didn't pursue getting any more info because he refused to go.


sameold sameold

New Member
My son is living in a supported living group home. I think we were waiting for 6-8 months after first being put on a list. And that is considered quick. He was a priority as he was aggressive at home and suicidal. I really had to work very hard at gettting him in. We had to document everything and call the crisis center at every little upset so the state would have documentation. Good luck to you, it seems never ending. My difficult child is doing so well now, it was all worth it.


New Member
Suz, Right now difficult child is asking for the group home as that is the only living arrangement he will be able to afford. I am not sure if PO is going to make it a stipulation of his parole or not. I would wager a guess that she will. MHMR have already done difficult child's intake interview and are determining what services they are able to provide. His Caseworker is the same man who did his intake two years ago when we put him on public assistance for health insurance. He is a kind and considerate man and told me that this time he is going to try to remain as difficult child's caseworker even after the initial intake and set up of services. He has been out to visit difficult child twice and says that difficult child seems alot less surly than when he first met him. He is supposed to be coordinating all this with difficult child's PO but she hasn't been returning his calls. (UG! What is with that woman anyway?) I will call him again next week to see if he has spoken to her yet. He was uncertain of the logistics of getting difficult child out quickly once a bed opens. I don't have alot of confidence in her but I will wait and see.

Sameold,sameold, difficult child is in prison so I am not sure how much of a priority he is. He is very depressed and getting worse by the day but I do not think that will be a factor. Unfortunately the penal system seems to like when the inmates are depressed. Makes them feel like they are doing their job. Definately a hostile environment for the mentally ill. -RM



(the future) MRS. GERE
RM, it sounds like your difficult child is being qualified for the kind of program I was describing for Rob. I was pleased with what it offered. I hope it works out for your son.



New Member
Thanks Suz, I do think that the Independant living services will be offered after a while. Right now everyone seems to agree that difficult child needs supervision and care. (Gosh I really want this to work! I get butterflies in my stomach when i think about this)

My difficult child learns the hard way when he does learn. I am sooooo hoping that his prison stint was suficently "hard" to have made a lasting impression. I recently heard that there is a mental health law/program here that might apply to difficult child and if he stays clean and out of trouble and medication and therapy compliant he could be considered elegible to have his felony expunged. I haven't told him about this as I need to investigate it further. Then if it is true I will have another carrot to dangle. -RM

sameold sameold

New Member
I hope things work out for your difficult child. My difficult child was never in trouble with the law because he had agoraphobia and would not leave the home for months on end. I guess looking back on it, it was good he never left home, or we could have had the law involved. His housing is covered under mental health and his staff under MR/Autism services. He has 24 hour awake staff as he is still considered to be a suicidal risk, but he is doing alot better there than here. I now don't have to worry when I call and there is no answer, I don't have to hide all my knives and sharp objects. I don't have to walk on tip toes in my own home. I hope for peace for you.