Quick FBA/BIP question


Active Member
If there is a "behavior"- for instance, my son's inability to complete homework when he isn't stable (manic or "shut-down")- should this be included in his FBA and BIP in addition to just covering accommodations for it in the other IEP areas? My concern (question) is that if it is written in the FBA and BIP, does that lead others to believe it is intentional behavior, thereby leading to the typical blame and consequences when it happens? I understand that the accommodations portion of the iep can cover things like reduced homework, extended time for work, etc. Can you include things other than the traditional consequences and rewards in the BIP itself? What portion should things the sd can do to help him learn better coping skills and de-escalate put in?

Thank you!


member since 1999
My understanding is that a BIP should cover any behaviors that interfere with a student's education, intentional or not.

The ideal is that positive behavioral strategies be used in the BIP as opposed to (negative) consequences. It's been a while since we've done a BIP on thank you, but I do seem to recall reading somewhere that the negative consequences should be the very last intervention, with *many* positive interventions before that. For each behavior.

Let me see if I can find some samples for you.


member since 1999

This is an excellent site. If you look at some of the examples, part of the interventions are to TEACH staying on task, etc.

Absolutely positively, the BIP initially should in my humble opinion focus on what staff needs to be doing to redirect and teach appropriate coping skills. There needs to be several interventions for each identified problem behavior.

Additionally, I'd make sure that teaching coping skills as they relate to school is also listed in the IEP as a psychological/social work goal. It need to be a team approach, in my humble opinion, with reinforcement from all areas at school ('cuz I know he's already getting reinforcement at home ;) ).

If you check out this example, note that the headings are at the bottom of the document. But there is 1 event (goal), 3 strategies to prevent ("predict") the event, 4 instructional strategies (meaning what staff needs to be teaching) and then 5 consequence strategies and the first 4 are positive.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Thanks so much, slsh! I don't know if you read my post on General or not, but after reviewing his draft iep and bip more, I am very concerned about them having the ability to implement it- no matter what is written in the iep.. Based on what I'm seeing, they either completely lack required knowledge or they are going to extremes to play dumb. I know I could pull an attny in for due process or mediation. Financially, that is a last resort. And, due to difficult child's upcoming court in 4 weeks, I really need the sd backing of him- which right now he has. So, now I guess I have shifted gears to where it isn't so much a concern about where this stuff is written as it is that they don't understand the problem and probably wouldn't be able to effectively implement it either way- yet they think they are experts so I feel left in a position of either being a B**** or ignoring it like I don;t know any better. I need to learn a more diplomatic way of letting them know that they need some training on BiPolar (BP) and I'm not rolling over on my son's needs.

Any thoughts on that? I will use your links though- because I am going to take them a copy of a marked up iep to show what I think it should say.


member since 1999
klmno, a better warrior mom would have a good answer for you. The best I can come up with is make sure that there is a concrete objective way for you to know that IEP and BIP are being appropriately implemented - daily reports, check lists, written communication with staff, keep all school work, etc. I'm terminally disorganized and have never been terribly effective at consistently tracking IEP stuff - to be honest, at this point I've given up with both my sped kids - but you strike me as a together woman and I think you can track the documentation. Make sure that it's written in the IEP that daily reports, point sheets, whatever, will be sent home. If he has *any* behavioral issues at all, I'd immediately request a meeting with staff involved to run down that the positive behavioral strategies were employed first, as well as the applicable teaching and preventative strategies. Or since this can get expensive time-wise for working moms, call, get their side of the story, difficult child's, and then send a "letter of understanding" certified to SD, with a request on the letter that it be included in difficult child's permanent file (not all correspondence is kept).

After X weeks (sorry, I know we're coming up on the end of school), if they are not implementing IEP and BIP appropriately, you take your written documentation and request yet another IEP meeting. You calmly lay out the examples of their noncompliance with IEP/BIP and strongly suggest .... what it is that you want. I'm foggy but thinking you had someone you wanted to come in and do training? Or does VA have the resources available thru the state board of ed? Anyway, noncompliance with IEP is a big no-no - I think (but don't quote me ;) ) it's a procedural violation which is a situation where parents have a much better chance of winning if you end up having to go to due process. I mean, if they're not following the IEP that they participated in writing, how can they possibly argue child is receiving FAPE???

I hope that makes some kind of sense - it's late. ;) Also, just my lay opinion - no expert here.


ALL BIPs should be individualized with measurable goals and objectives (which are always to change the maladaptive behavior but there needs to be specificity)

I think Sue's response covers everything very well.

SD resist homework reduction as an accommodation, but if you are interested in DATA, it was the problem rated most stress for parents on this board (try to get their difficult child to do it,) so I think it is a very legitimate accommodation--for two reasons: parents shouldn't have to sacrifice their relationship with their child to enforce the school's policies OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL, and schools should not penalize students who do not have "enough metal energy left" after trying to keep it together during the school day, if homework is beyond their endurance.

Finally, I do not think "intentionality" can be discerned and therefore, has not place in a BIP. Even if a child knows what he is doing is wrong, that still does not mean that the child can control the behavior without additional support, and knee-jerk punishment isn't supportive. How many times have each of us done something we knew wasn't the best choice out of frustration, anger, or just plain exhaustion? The same applies to difficult children times at least TEN.
