REALLY need some support right now


New Member
TeDo, I really didn't mean that you had to post it for us.

I'm glad you did, but the point was that there was no "victim" post back then. NO "he scared me", no "I can't believe my child did that" - just a mom concerned about her ill son. If the Judge is as level headed and nice as you think he is, I think this will end quickly and in your favor. Newbies in a small town rarely manage to rock the boat when they are WRONG (hard enough when they are right) Know what I mean??


Keista, that's fine. I decided to post it not realizing I hadn't. As I was typing it, I realized it is a cop with a "score" to settle because he didn't get his way that night. The more I wrote, the more furious I became all over again. The judge IS very level-headed and takes EVERYTHING into consideration. That's why I want her to have EVERYTHING there is to show her the WHOLE picture.....something the other 2 idjits don't have....or want. Guess I shouldn't say that about the prosecutor yet since he only has the cops report to go by so far.

TM, I am not going to tell difficult child 1 until I have to, which will be soon since I have to take him for fingerprinting. I don't want his anxiety to go up....and it will. That's why I'm trying so hard not to show MY stress. Yes, his psychiatrist knows. We have an appointment on the 27th so we can get something in writing about pre- and post- medication behavior to show it WAS caused by the medication.

I want to thank all of you for being here for me. You don't know how good it makes me feel to know I'm not crazy and that I have shoulders to lean on. THAT means alot. THANKS A BUNCH!!!


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are well connected in your community which I assume is quite small. Thought I would pitch in one more been there done that although I hope it is not true in your case. Be careful about what you share regarding the pia cop. Even if he is low man on the totem pole he still is part of the system. If there is a hint that his judgement is poor it can come back and bite your difficult child in the fanny later. The power of one cop can be frightening if he feels the need to retaliate. DDD


Active Member
TeDo (hugs) to you and difficult child. He must have been so scared when that was going on. And to the police-- I hate when people do not listen, and do not understand mental illness. I cannot imagine how frustrating it must have been trying to get to your difficult child when the policeman would not let you through.
I hope this settles quickly and quietly.


Roll With It
Lots of hugs. Be SURE to take posts about what happened, even emails you sent to anyone about it if you did that. THey show that YOU felt no threat except from the cop who tried to refuse you access not just to your son but the the entire frimpin' ER - NOT legal for him to do. One EXCELLENT question to ask the cop (for your atty to ask him or the judge to ask him, NOT you and NOT ahead of time!) is that if he thought there was XXX and you were the victim of said XXX, then WHY did he try to keep you from the ER? Gee, isn't that where victims are SUPPOSED to go for help? So if he kept you out of the ER then he KNEW there was no XXX. it just can't be both ways.

Ask the doctor about a short term anxiety medication for difficult child 1 and also difficult child 2 and you to help you through this. Even benadryl, if the kids can handle that, works for anxiety. Vistaril is a commonly used antianxiety medication (also called atarax) and it is also an antihistamine.

Sending you lots of hugs! THis is a bunch of koi from a cop who is having a tantrum because he didn't get his way and a county prosecutor who doesn't know the score but likely feels some newcomer solidarity with the cop.
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Well-Known Member
Can you get an emergency appointment with-psychiatrist to help you explain why this will be happening? I'd think you want him to understand that he must do these things XXX as an unfortunate consequence of his poor choice. Plus, it needs to be stressed that you and the family will be there to support him and help him through this process and that you personally didn't request this against him. I also like the idea of an anti-anxiety medication to help bridge him through this difficult time.
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Well-Known Member
Also, another moderator just brought an excellent point to my attention: you may not want the specific details of this pending legal case written out here right now; particularly if the police officer or prosecutor are over-zealous. Therefore, I moved the post where you wrote the details out of public view. I hope that doesn't upset or anger you.


TM, Thank You! Just got the PM from the same person and was going to go back and delete it entirely. Could you take care of that for me? Thanks again.

I LOVE you guys!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Per TeDo's request, I've reinstated this thread but have gone through and removed anything I thought might make her difficult child identifiable to anyone in real life. The purpose was not to censor, but rather protect difficult child's identity and privacy.


Thanks for doing this for me TM. As I told TM, I really want keep this out there. The support and advice I have gotten from all of you is AWESOME!! We have an appointment with psychiatrist on the 27th to discuss this and get something in writing from her about pre- and post- medication behavior as compared to while on it. She wants to see for herself how difficult child 1 is handling the situation that has now come up.

Thanks again for all the support and suggestions. I guess it is going to be a waiting thing now while I get all my ducks in a row. Keep the good vibes coming please and if you have any further advice, please make sure to keep it "generic". Know what I mean?? I am so new to this legal game and I hate having to censor what I share with my "family".

((((HUGS)))) to ALL of you!!!

I'm way too naive when it comes to this twisted "legal game" to be able to help. I just want you to know I'm keeping you, your difficult child, close in my thoughts and sending zillions of positive vibes your way... Many hugs... SFR


A few hours. I am exhausted and feeling a little anxiety. difficult child 1 was up a little earlier than usual too. Could be an "interesting" day. Good thing it's a light school day. How about you Buddy?


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience or advice but major ((hugs)) to you. Hopefully the judge will see the big picture and drop this.


When you can't think or are stuck in "stinkin' thinkin' " you need to turn over the thinking to the professionals that know Q as well as you do. Let THEM worry. I know right now I want to get into my vehicle and crank the music LOUD and just drive. That has always worked to quiet the thoughts. Can't think if the music is blaring louder! LOL It works. Maybe try a drive in the country like this some time when Q is with Integrated Listening Systems (ILS). Try something new. I know I need to FIND time to do this. Since difficult child 1 has Occupational Therapist (OT) this afternoon I might just have to take my MP3 with and "visualize" the countryside while I crank the music. I REALLY need to stop the thinking cycle I seem to be on!!