I watched - and the two hours flew by!
Can you imagine dwindling 10,000 down to 17?? Yikes.
My thing is always this : all of those people there have someone else who is encouraging them to be there. Why is that? Do they not hear what we all hear? If I couldn't sing - my mother would have told me that there was not a great chance that I could make it on to Hollywood. I wouldn't have meant that she didn't love me.
If one of my munchkins thought they ought to try it out but they couldn't sing, I could not let them make the trip, wait all day, etc., only to 'perform' and be denied. I would rather let them know, gently and lovingly, that their odds were not that great than to see them go through all that.
The jugglers mother told her son that he 'would be famous, don't worry'.
I agree - Paula must have something going on. It is too bad. I once saw something where she said she lives with chronic pain from an injury or something. I hope she gets straightened around.
On to Seattle, AI!!