Say Goodbye to the Sopranos


New Member
I can't believe this is really the last episode of the saga that is the Sopranos.

When I think about how long I've been watching this show - it's hard to believe this is the VERY LAST time I will be sitting down to that familiar song - and waiting on the edge of my seat to see what will happen.

Last week's episode was shocking. I have no idea how it will end - will Tony live or die? Some are saying that he will live, somehow, because there is a big movie in the works in the future, but I read an interview of very private James Gandolfini, who said he was very glad to be saying farewell to Tony after playing him for all of these years. It's anyone's guess, but I'll definitely be watching.

It's weird to think that this show has been a part of our pop culture for so long and tomorrow it will just be a part of history!


Well-Known Member
I do not have HBO - but I know boyfriend was looking forward to this. He stayed at my house last night, so he will be watching tonight. He was funny everytime it was mentioned on the radio this morning he went running so he did not hear anything from last night!


Well-Known Member
It was the worst ending to a series that I have ever seen. Everyone I know thought the cable went out. I was terribly disappointed with the ending.
I can't believe I fell asleep and missed most of the last show!!! Once I fall asleep watching t.v., it's almost impossible to wake me!!! I had to ask husband this morning what happened.

I'm going to try to catch it tonight. I think it's on again. WFEN


New Member
Last night when I watched, I was disappointed, too.

This morning, after sleeping on it, I think they just wanted an ending that shows you that their life just goes on - they have some crazy, scary things - but in the end, they were just a family going out for dinner - the craziness just a part of their lives - their "normal". And the ominous characters floating around just made you think that's how they live - with the next guy walking by perhaps having the job of taking them out.

I definitely wanted more, but I get the whole thing, I guess.

Phil's demise was goringly graphic. Eek.

I will miss it, though.

Stella Johnson

Active Member
I was really disappointed. Ended with him eating freakin onion rings. :hammer: Give me a break. They could have done so much better.
