My seven year old boy (diagnosis ADHD combined type and expressive receptive language disorder) is in a regular first grade class this year. He has had problems with behavior for years beginning in special needs preschool. Anyway, this is a new school for him, with a crowded class. I have an IEP and special accommodations including pull outs, breaks, etc. He has been coming home every day in a good mood which honestly surprised me. But I got a call from the school that he is having outbursts, and issues with behavior. We are going to start giving him afternoon medications and see how that works. What surprises me is that he starts with the outbursts first thing in the a.m. which is strange because I give him is medication with breakfast. I talked to him today about it and he is oblivious. I think it is just getting used to routine but I worry. I don't know how much more I can take of this with the school insisting that he be in a regular classroom.