My sprinklers went off as usual this morning - didn't think anything of it - SO went out the door first, and almost broke his neck due to the ice on the sidewalk. I came out a few minutes later, running cause it was cold, and almost went flying. (Note to self: Tennies are not made for running on ice)
We spent a good 5 minutes looking at the ice on the driveway and sidewalk with our mouths hanging open - jeeze I swear a week and a half ago it was 78 degrees. It was 2 degrees in Palmdale yesterday, and that is in the desert.
Our ER's are full with slip and falls, and the roads have been an absolute disaster with ice. People here can barely drive in the rain, let alone icy roads. I have not turned on our furnace in I don't know how many years - not that I didn't try yesterday, but all of us totally forgot how it worked and couldn't manage to light it. Fireplace still works though but you couldn't even get close as the dogs were hogging it.. LOL
SO says every year - lets go to Big Bear this winter - its only an hour away - I am with Abbey - give him the car keys and say see ya, cause I am heading to Palm Springs which is an hour away in the opposite direction