Sooooooooo my son had testing completed yesterday (Tuesday). He had the WISC IV (IQ test), the VMI (visual motor integration) test, the CPT 2 (ADD/attention) test, and the NEPSY (executive functioning) test; which I am not sure exactly what that entails. All of this was done in one appointment and took about 3 hours to complete with a one hour break in the middle. I will have the results of this next Tuesday and hopefully they can provide us with some insight.
I had a LOT of questions before this round of testing began. Last week we had the Autism is pretty self-explanatory what this was testing for. I was not sure however, exactly what all of THIS testing was looking for. I asked the Psychomotrist (neurospych technition) my questions; what are these tests testing for, what was seen in evaluation that has led in this direction of testing. Also why we were doing an ADD test, when none of our concerns were related to attention problems (or so I thought.) Unfortunately, she told me that she only does the testing that the Dr. orders and had no answers for me and that I can bring my list of questions and get my answers next week during the results appointment. Kind of backwards to me, but oh well. I am looking forward the the results appointment, I am praying for answers.
On another note:
My difficult child came home with his progress report today with some very "interesting" notations on it about his "behavior" in class. Mind you, I save EVERY progress report and report card. THIS progress report was like any other in most ways. Above grade level in every subject with the note that he is continuing to meet academic skills for this quarter. Under the behavior part of the report however, there were things checked off that had NEVER previously been any sort of issue....never before until......the Dr had the teacher fill out that questionnaire before our appointments. SUDDENLY, now my son appears to have "trouble completing classwork on time, trouble completing homework on time, paying attention in class, and trouble controlling talking." Umm...perhaps this lady doesn't realize that ADD is not what brought me to the Dr's to begin with and apparently had never been any sort of issue until this form came home?? I am just at a loss as to where all of this came from as NONE of this is mentioned on any previous progress reports or report cards.
I guess I will wait until Tuesday when I get my results of the testing, then go to the school and find out what is going on here. I don't think it will do me any good to ask for a parent/teacher conference as when I asked for one when my son was having great difficulty in reading out loud...she (teacher) told me that since he was on grade level, and in the upper grades they don't read out loud much, there was no need to address this problem or have a conference. Nice huh? I just don't get it sometimes.
I am cautiously optomistic at this point.
Have a great day!
I had a LOT of questions before this round of testing began. Last week we had the Autism is pretty self-explanatory what this was testing for. I was not sure however, exactly what all of THIS testing was looking for. I asked the Psychomotrist (neurospych technition) my questions; what are these tests testing for, what was seen in evaluation that has led in this direction of testing. Also why we were doing an ADD test, when none of our concerns were related to attention problems (or so I thought.) Unfortunately, she told me that she only does the testing that the Dr. orders and had no answers for me and that I can bring my list of questions and get my answers next week during the results appointment. Kind of backwards to me, but oh well. I am looking forward the the results appointment, I am praying for answers.
On another note:
My difficult child came home with his progress report today with some very "interesting" notations on it about his "behavior" in class. Mind you, I save EVERY progress report and report card. THIS progress report was like any other in most ways. Above grade level in every subject with the note that he is continuing to meet academic skills for this quarter. Under the behavior part of the report however, there were things checked off that had NEVER previously been any sort of issue....never before until......the Dr had the teacher fill out that questionnaire before our appointments. SUDDENLY, now my son appears to have "trouble completing classwork on time, trouble completing homework on time, paying attention in class, and trouble controlling talking." Umm...perhaps this lady doesn't realize that ADD is not what brought me to the Dr's to begin with and apparently had never been any sort of issue until this form came home?? I am just at a loss as to where all of this came from as NONE of this is mentioned on any previous progress reports or report cards.
I guess I will wait until Tuesday when I get my results of the testing, then go to the school and find out what is going on here. I don't think it will do me any good to ask for a parent/teacher conference as when I asked for one when my son was having great difficulty in reading out loud...she (teacher) told me that since he was on grade level, and in the upper grades they don't read out loud much, there was no need to address this problem or have a conference. Nice huh? I just don't get it sometimes.
I am cautiously optomistic at this point.
Have a great day!