My DS is 9. He has been in therapy, but we just moved, again, and we haven't found anyone suitable or with any time in their schedule for us yet. We have a history of anxiety disorders on my side (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc) and I don't know about husband. His mom died when he was young and his dad put him in foster care (needless to say, he's got his own issues). His dad moved out of the country and we don't know where he is. husband and DS get along better, because DS listens to husband. Don't know why. DS doesn't respect me at all, even though I have a good job, good education and run a farm, too. husband likes to do extreme sports and DS thinks he walks on water, but husband also has a hot temper and DS is definitely wary of that. I have had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) my whole life and started medications when Prozac came out all those years ago and it was a lifesaver. I am actually an easy going person, but I am still in therapy and take high doses of medications. DS is extremely ADHD and extremely Oppositional/Defiant. He doesn't have any friends at school. In fact, the only friends he has are related to us. He has 2 cousins who don't see him all the time and a little sister. His sister is TAG and is in a special school for artistic talent. She has MANY friends and is very social, and loves the animals and I find her easy to be with - she occasionally whines and such, but just normal kid stuff. She complies so easily and throws minimal fits - it's like they are not even related she's so easy. Half the time I forget she's even in the house cuz I'm dealing with DS. She doesn't horrify her classmates or embarrass herself, which DS does and I think it isolates him. I want him to have friends and get invited to places, but he is out of control mostly and he doesn't listen to ANYONE except his dad and grandpa (my dad). He has an aid in school that follows him around all day and he has a ton of modifications. I send him to Grandpa because DS listens to him more than me, though he doesn't always listen to dad or Grandpa, just more than me. I try hard to establish discipline, but it's always a fight. I try to be nurturing and he walks on me. I have to supervise him constantly around daughter because he's rough and impulsive. He doesn't purposely hurt her, but accidents happen when you can't control yourself. I have wanted to medicate DS for a long time because when he was younger and "easier" to control, he still had no friends and never got invited anywhere. Now that he's older it just gets harder. He's so smart and can already put together an engine at 9, but no one in school seems aware of any of his talents because he's so off the map. My Grandmother tried to commit suicide several times and my uncle was schizophrenic, so I know we have issues that need attention on our side. My mom has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), too, but not as bad as me. husband thinks medicating DS would take away from his personality and make him less creative (DS is creative and mechanical) but I feel like he's just being set up to be lonely! And we fight all the time, so it doesn't help at all. husband doesn't respect what I do because I only work part time and don't make as much money, but I do EVERYTHING at the house plus have the part time job. I'm just really tired. I sound so whiny in this post I'm almost embarrassed to put it. I'm NOT a quitter and I LOVE DS,but he's so so so so HARD!!!!! I have to go outside a lot when we are together because he ALWAYS ALWAYS says NO to me, no matter what. It drives me crazy. Everything is an argument or a negotiation. It's NEVER, "Sure mom." NEVER. I don't know if my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) makes this worse or not. I think I need to go to counseling WITH DS, like together. Almost like couples couseling for mom/son. Do they have that???