New Member
Ok, here's what's going on. The first week of Jan'07, difficult child was discharged back to me without any services or school set up. They basically just dumped him on me. I took him to school the next school day, and the principle refused him entry saying they had no place for him. (double meaning: no physical place because the school was full and they gave his seat away, and no Special Education classroom there). Then they told me to go to the "Home school" because that's where all the overflow goes. I go there, and tell them that he needs a Special Education room (not norm population room). They say they can't do it. I go get a Lawyer, and we demand an IEP. I got an IEP on Jan 13th, and it was totally full of the hospital and the teachers from the hospital telling the IEP team how difficult child is basically brain dead (sorry sarcasim). The SD (now totally terrified) says they need time to THINK on where to put him. In the mean time they ordered THEIR Neuro-psychiatric to test difficult child. This Dr. has seen difficult child 4 times, for a 3 hr test. difficult child can not stay on task long enough to do testing. Dr. almost gives up, but says lets try again. So no results yet. But the Dr. did tell the SD that he has NEVER had such a tough assignment, and that difficult child basically can't control his behavior long enough to learn. (I asked what THEY meant by behavior, and they said "being on task, being able to do what a student needs to do to absorb and learn". So it didn't mean throwing fits and having a meltdown.) They were also suppose to have Ed Diagnoistitions test difficult child, and they have not called yet. They were also suppose to provide his therapies (while we wait), and they start Friday. One hr a WEEK! (Yes, it took them a month to schedule this). Today we had our second IEP meeting, and they wanted to do home based schooling, 1 hr per WEEK. I said HELL NO!! We finally agreed at in school (after regular school is over) for 1 hr per day, for 3 days. AND 1 hr per week related services. I didn't like this because I think it's sh*&t proposal, but my lawyer says for us let them try and it shows that I'm trying to work with them. (And the SD knows that we are in the process of suing the original school over due process because they dropped him without my knowledge, and they because they have gone against his rights, and a lot more stuff). So, I'm sitting here at week #9 still paying for a babysitter (who's just letting him play becuase she's not a teacher) so I try and save my job. He's not getting any wrap around services, and he's not getting any help with anything. The hospital said pick him up or give him to foster care, we can't do anything more. So I took my child back, and I'm fighting everything and everyone to get him back into a school setting!!! What I don't understand is that he was making progress (although slow) in Kindergarten. So why is he now so damaged and mentally retarded that EVERYONE is giving up on him and saying it's hopeless? I'm still battling Medicaid to get him on, and I'm battling the insurance that I do have to have them pay for things. At present he has allowable 10 visits with a Psychiatrist, and 10 visits with a SW. (clearly not enough for someone with his disabilities). So this is where we're at. What I don't understand is if it's illegal for a parent to keep a kid out of school, how can the school do it? AND what ever happened to "no child left behind"? Because difficult child is clearly being left behind, and no one is rushing to put him back into school....