Venting, but I need feedback to help grow a spine.


Well-Known Member
Worst, was that I keep looking for what I did 'wrong' as though I must be perfect and never say or do anything to stand up for myself. This i

I have found that when in my sons presence i have trouble thinking on my feet. Once i leave i think i should have done or said this. Your son ambushed you . you had the brains to get out which was the best thing at that time. What else you said did not deserve what he did. You went with the best intentions he blew it. I have done the same. Give yourself a break figuratively and physically and mentally. Prayers


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet

Just catching up after being away a few days and could not get on at all yesterday due to server issues.

I'm so sorry that your son is so mean and ungrateful. I don't know how I would have handled it either. It hurts when we love someone so much and we just want them to be okay.

Honestly at the age your son is and the fact that he has a girlfriend so is not alone, I'd probably back way off and go no contact for an undetermined amount of time. I would do this for myself.

Through therapy when my son was at his worst and still very young, I learned that it was okay to care for myself and have self compassion. To this day I still practice it and hope that what I have learned never leaves me.

My husband asked me the other day why I want to save everyone. I don't really know. That is just my nature but it truly is exhausting.

I hope that you can have self compassion and know that you are a good person. We all want that Norman Rockwell Christmas but no one really has that anyway!

Please take care of YOU and do things to make yourself happy this holiday season!