I am so sorry this is going on for your difficult child. I agree wholeheartedly with Linda. I find, when Aly is at her most agitated, anxious, just sitting by her (hugging her if she wants that) and either talking quietly or reading a calm story book helps Aly so much. I am learning not to show my panic and anxiety, calm ME first then I can help Aly calm down.
Also totally agree with the dog theory. Aly will just hug onto our Boxer and, lucky for us, our Boxer is super calm during these episodes.
The other thing that has helped Aly is horses!!! Horse care, riding, reading about them, watching The Saddle Club, etc. Aly has a real affinity for horses and thankfully my sister has several very calm ponies that she can brush and take care of to her heart's content.
I know there is an organization called "HandiRiders" that specialize in horse therapy. We have one closeby, but since my sister lives semi-closeby, we utilize her ponies instead.
When Aly has voices, we have given her permission to yell at them to go away. Sometimes this works, others not so much.
Anyways, I pray that your difficult child will get some relief soon!