He was on Strattera, Abilify and Zoloft, they changed it to Risperdal 25 mg and zoloft 50 mg. They told me the Risperdal effects was immediate. He isn't as violent but other than that no change, and he wasn't violent to begin with really except 1 time. So I dont know.
His father (bio) lives in indiana and I'm moving back there in July, I'm thinking of letting him go there early. I have 4 kids and it's so hard when I have to do all this stuff for him and they suffer, and still yet it's not enough. His father is remarried and they have no children, he is a police officer, and difficult child has much more respect for his father then he does for me, sadly.
It's just such defience, if I had to describe him in 1 word that would be it: definant, not just to me, everyone in his life, school, bus, me, father, stepfather, brother/sister, grandparents, friend's parents.
Tomorrow I start the "strict schedule" I talked about in another thread. He does seem excited to do this, so mabye it will help. School tomorrow, I'm scared he's gonna try to leave there again too.
I'm sitting here at night 12:30 AM and just got done with- my 2nd panic attack and had to take a Xanax, so I only have minutes before I'm off to la la land. :smile: I hope to have wonderful dreams of our future.