We told T about three days in advance. He had known that we applied for a grant to pay for it, but he was quite sure we weren't going to get it.
Now that I think about it... T ended up getting admitted the weekend before he was to go to Residential Treatment Center (RTC), so we told him while he was still in the hospital. He was discharged the same day he went up to Residential Treatment Center (RTC), so.... there wasn't much of an opportunity for him to act out. Gosh, that doesn't help you at all, does it? We did emphasize that Residential Treatment Center (RTC) wasn't punishment, wasn't a bad thing, but actually was a positive step in helping him to learn how to live with us at home. I do know that he was kinda resigned to it. He knew that we were strong in our conviction that he needed to be there. He did halfheartedly try to bargain a bit - promising to be "good", yada, yada. But I think he knew in his heart that we couldn't continue on the way we were.
Personally, I think it's good to give them some head's up. I admitted T once without telling him that we were heading to the hospital, and he took that as a major violation of trust (pot calling kettle black as far as I was concerned!!!). But, I do understand his point. I really kind of feel it's unfair to say let's go on a drive and then pull up to the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) and say, we're here! It's deceptive and dishonest, in my humble opinion. But, that's *just* my opinion. I think if you follow your heart, you can't go wrong.
Sue, Mom of four, wife of saintly husband. 12 y/o boy easy child with cerebral palsy, 6 y/o boy easy child, 2 y/o princess easy child
9 y/o male difficult child. Placement in Residential Treatment Center (RTC) on 6-19-00. diagnosis of bipolar, ADHD. Previous diagnosis: ODD, depression, conduct disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), childhood onset schizophrenia. Current medications: Depakote 750 mg, Lithium 1050 mg. Previous medications: Clonodine, Ritalin, Zoloft, Cylert, Tegretol, Adderall, Mellarill, Wellbutrin, Thorazine, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Trilafon (perphenazine)
"Eat one live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."