Oh gosh, I've worried about this for years. I mean, can you imagine thank you trying to explain his childhood to future in-laws??? :nonono:
"Well, you see sir, I spent half my childhood in institutions. Had roughly 2 dozen psychiatric admissions... we never ate as a family that I can recall because I wasn't home... nope, I don't remember Halloween's, not sure I ever went trick-or-treating. Christmases? Oh, my folks would come and pick me up to go home for a couple of days; same with Thanksgiving...." Seriously? It gives me a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Unfortunately, he has a phenomenal memory for every transgression he's ever committed. Every time he hit me. Every hole in the wall, every broken lamp, I swear, almost every mega meltdown he's had since age 5 or 6. And a ton of guilt.
At best, he's going to have snippets of good family times during off-grounds visits or brief home visits. He went into Residential Treatment Center (RTC) at age 9... how much can he possibly remember from before then? We talk about fun times from when he was younger, the one family vacation we had before he left. It is just so completely not the childhood I wanted my boy to have. And I worry about how, if he becomes a father, he can possibly be a good one?? husband has of course always been there, always been supportive, but really the male role models he's really grown up with have been staff.
I don't know... I can't say we would've done anything differently because we tried all other options. But I absolutely worry about what the long term ramifications are going to be for my boy, and how he is going to function (please, God) in his own family unit someday.