My difficult child I has just given up. He has ADD/Learning Disability (LD). We moved here last summer to remove him from a very "negative enviroment" and it has back fired as he found the small negative population here. He has failed school for the year. He is disrespectful to me and teachers and other family members. He wants to drop out of school. He beats on difficult child II terribly and I am worried it will become another problem with DYFS. He has no motivation to get a job and refuses to do so. I am paying his $1600.00 in fines from his graffiti spree. I am so exhausted by difficult child II and all of his nuclear problems that I am totally overwhelmed. D/H literally wants to throw him out, but I know evil M/L will just come in and "save the day" and take difficult child I in and enable him even further
Leaving on a jet plane...........
Leaving on a jet plane...........