Was just reading the following article on msn, and thought of this post. Add in gfgness and some of the things our kids have been through, and no wonder we have such a "wonderful" time getting them through these years. I know some of my difficult child's reactions to some simple questions or requests the last couple years has baffled me.
The Tween Brain
"Communicating with preteens is tough because they process information differently in their brains," says Dave Walsh, Ph.D., author of Why Do They Act That Way: A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain For You and Your Teen. For example, they are prone to misinterpret nonverbal cues and rush in the direction of aggression or anger.
The brain develops from back to front, which means the part of the brain that helps adolescents reason, plan ahead and manage impulses (the prefrontal cortex) is one of the last areas to mature. It doesn't happen until around age 25!
An adult brain processes verbal cues - tone of voice, facial expression, gestures - in the prefrontal cortex, but adolescents process these cues in the anger center of the brain, or amygdala. In addition, the part of the brain that manages emotional urges is under construction. This explains why preteens may interpret a parent's normal tone of voice as yelling. "What might start off as a very calm question can mysteriously, from a parent's perspective, end up in a shouting match," Walsh says.