Yale Called Toady


New Member
Got a call from Yale child Study Center today. They had a cancellation for june 13/14 and wanted to know if we could take it. We've been on the waiting list a bit over 3 years so h--l yeah we'll take it. They had just contacted me 2 weeks ago to see if we wanted to stay on the list and if so to update our info. That was when they asked if, since we are relatively local, we wanted to be on the cancellation contact list. husband and I will spend this weekend assmembling all paperwork and test results, etc and filling out their packet. It feels very surreal right now.


New Member
THREE YEARS!?!?!?! OMG! How is that possible?!?!

I'm glad you're finally getting in! Good luck with the evaluation!


No real answers to life..
Hope you find out some valuable information....I saw the post and thought they were going to let your difficult child into college....???

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
:thumb: Good news. I hope that your difficult children evaluation provides you with a good idea of what you're dealing with. :thumb:


New Member

Wow that is great news! I know it is so hard to wait. I called Yale in April after posting on here and was told that they were not taking on any new patients as they were downsizing. So you were lucky to already be on the list.
Good luck!


Former desparate mom
been there done that. :doctor: The study results that we have are highly regarded. doctors.Klin and Volkmar were heading the study at the time.
Hope you have a positive experience. We hoped for a magic cure(not really) but they gave us many suggestions.
I'll be curious to hear how your experience goes.