
  1. M

    The Good, The Bad, and The Out and Out UGLY

    Have not had a chance to update here on what has been going on since I last posted. I did take my Daniel to the psychiatrist and I DID get his medications changed. He was kept on the Clonidine 0.1mg at night and the Depakote ER 500mg at night but what was added was Haldo 0.5mg and Lexapro 10mg. He...
  2. robinm1922

    Strattera anyone?

    Hello, A quick run down, I brought difficult child to neuropsychologist and he thinks there is enough evidence to suggest she has a slight case of ADHD/ADD and has suggested a non stimulant medication for treatment. He can't prescribe but asked me to check with her dr to see if they would be willing to...
  3. C

    New and needing it

    I found this forum just a few minutes ago, and please excuse any typos, I'm a bit of a mess today. I guess I had to have reached my "bottom" before reaching out in this way, but as I'm sure many of you understand, I just cannot find the support, or just the ...words..I need to hear from...
  4. robinm1922

    Wellbutrin question

    Hello, difficult child medications were changed two weeks ago. She was diagnosis with depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tendencies along with AD/HD. She is on Clexa 30 mg now and psychiatrist added 100 mg Wellbutrin 2xs a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. She has been on just under two weeks. I haven't seen too much...
  5. robinm1922

    neuropsychologist testing question

    Hello, I am still playing phone tag with the Neruodc to schedule testing. Up until a few days ago I didn't think difficult child would be able to test because of DEX (d for dumb) not giving permission. Ex in laws put enough pressure on him that he gave his consent! Now difficult child's psychiatrist wants to change difficult child's...
  6. DramaQueenLucy


    Went to see the new P-doctor today and we talked medications I had thought that he would raise difficult child#1 Celexa but the doctor wanted to add Abilify to the mix. Anyone had any experience with this medication?
  7. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  8. F

    New Here - 6yo with Dual Personalities

    Hi, I was actually here briefly 2 years ago when my difficult child, Tuna, was diagnosis with ODD. Weeeeee're baaaack! )-: Now it's a diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder not otherwise specified & mood disorder. She started on Abilify 2mg & Remeron 15mg and we had a different kid overnight. It was great, we thought all our problems were...
  9. S

    difficult child has psychiatrist appointment.

    She has psychiatrist appointment this morning, and I am going to be unable to make it because I have my first therapist appointment at the same time. I am just hoping that husband is able to get through to psychiatrist. She doesn't listen to us often times. So fingers crossed that things go well at the psychiatrists and at the tdocs for...
  10. llamafarm

    Had to tell him I will call the police

    Finally in no unclear terms I told difficult child that I will call the police if he hits me one more time. It was very clearly an I'm not kidding tone, one that surprised even me. Now the follow through. Wish me luck. It has been two days of coming home from school and his hitting me like crazy over...
  11. TerryJ2

    Arrrggh! Just paid $688 for 1 mo supply of Abililfy!

    I looked up the generic online, and Aripiprazole won't be available in generic until 2015. But I can get it from Canada for about $4.87 per 10 mg pill by mail order. But there are so many warnings that not all the generics are alike, because they're not the "Official" generics. We have Anthem...
  12. scaredofhim

    Weary...More Drama

    My other thread disappeared somehow but needed to start a new one anyway since this morning there was more drama with SS. BM took him to school, and says he had a "panic attack" and refused to go in and was having a serious meltdown. He told her that he would not go into the school unless she...
  13. AllStressedOut

    What do I do?

    My youngest difficult child has resorted to hitting again lately. He use to do this before medications and I believe stopped (maybe the boys just weren't telling me), but now hes doing it again. I wanted him to wear out yesterday so he would sleep so I had him run around the back yard some. Silly I know, but I...
  14. Alisonlg

    Tics? A Side Effect?

    Ugh. So, I came back last week and posted my family update. For the most part, my update on M was OK, but it's starting to go downhill rather quickly. Not only have the past few nights included hitting, kicking, biting, and restraining (which we haven't had to do in a LONG time- thinking it's...
  15. scaredofhim

    Haven't been here in a while, an update

    Things continue to be about the same with SS. He acts slightly better at our home every other weekend than he does at his bio mom's, and there is a social worker coming to her home and working with SS a few times a week. It really hasn't made any difference. He has missed 8 days of school...
  16. keista

    DD1 is deemed NOT stable enough for release and medication nightmare

    So I had 3 more calls this afternoon. Nurse, social worker and nurse again. Nurse called to tell me the recommendation of the psychiatrist - add Celexa. Ah, isn't that an SSRI? I REALLY DO NOT THINK THAT IS A GOOD IDEA. And I went over DD1's reactions to the previous SSRIs, AGAIN, with the nurse...

    Thinking of taking him off some medications...

    Tommy has been on medications in some form or other for the last four years. It's been that long since we've seen our child medication-free. I think for that reason alone and the fact that not only has his weight gotten out of control, bringing his self-esteem down and giving the kids one more...
  18. gcvmom

    What was that about NO Meltdown Monday? Apparently difficult child 1 didn't get the memo...

    Oh he is in RARE form today. I only gave him his patch and not the Focalin because I'm running low and want to save it for school days until we get our refill. And the patch probably won't start working for another 1/2 hour at least, but he's now in his room ranting, ripping up papers and...
  19. Alisonlg

    Any Suggestions?

    M is driving husband insane (and I won't lie...it's rather annoying me as well...but I'm more worried about husband's temper as of late). The past couple of weeks, M is just uncontrollably bossy, demanding, and repetative about it. For instance, say we're going to go to the store...we all go out to...
  20. S

    Medication change

    Today we went to see the psychiatric doctor and they changed his medication from abilify to depakote. Does anyone have expierence with depakote? I really hope it helps with his outbursts at school, although today was a good day. I hope it doesn't take too long to kick in...:anxious: