
  1. N

    Day from HELL

    Ok, I just posted this and it erased it so now I had to totally had to retype this..just add to my **** day, please.. difficult child has been doing really well lately, or so I thought. He has been having stellar reports from daycare and has been really good at home. This week has been off. He's been...
  2. 2


    Tomorrow we head to the psychiatrist. W is going to be evaluated and we are going to talk about L's medications. When we upped L's medications, they had said that we can take them up 1mg yet or possibly change to Abilify. Anyone have any experience with Abilify?
  3. S

    Question on Abilify

    Does anyone have any experience with Abilify? My difficult child is 8 and has been taken off risperdal due to excessive weight gain and is now on Abilify to assist with his mood disorder. Since this is a new drug for us, I was wondering what others have encountered and whether or not positive results are...
  4. Chaosuncontained

    Abilify side effects in 8 year old

    My son turns 9 next month. The 18th he was diagnosis with a mood disorder (diagnosis with ADHD when he was 4). He was put on Abilify, took 2.5 mg the 1st day, 5 mg today. School called because he was falling asleep in class--they let him have a 20 minute nap in the nurses office. He is also complaining his...
  5. Chaosuncontained

    How soon will I see results from Abilify?

    My son was diagnosis as ADHD at age 4, he is now 8. We've been on all ADHD medications. Four weeks ago he was on Strattera-20 mg in the AM and Adderall 10 mg in the AM and 5 mg midday. We changed that recently to Strattera 20 mg AM and Ritalin 10 mg in the AM, 5 mid morning and 5 in the afternoon. The Ritalin...
  6. C

    10 yr old son started abilify & stratera

    Hi everyone, First time on a forum like this. My son started with anxiety & depression in 4th grade, he is now in 5th. He has generalized anxiety but also seperation anxiety being away from me. He doesn't like himself and struggles socially. He is now taking 5mg of Abilify and 10mg of...
  7. TiredSoul

    No Stimulants work! ADHD/ODD, 7 yr old

    Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've been here. I have run out of ideas.... and need some input from all you experts out there. difficult child, m, 7 yo: diagnosis'd with ADHD combined type and ODD 2 years ago. We have tried: Focalin Adderall Vyvanse Bright Spark (
  8. K

    School called AGAIN

    Well, after the other night I told school, do NOT call me. Gave them husband's cell number, informed them he cannot answer, leave him a message and he will return the call. Please do not call me. Alex does not listen to me and I am not dealing with him. I KNOW husband will NOT tell me if school calls...
  9. jannie

    tics, tics and more tics

    difficult child has been having so many tics lately. He used to do one or two things (mainly coughing), but for the past two weeks he is constantly ticing. He is sniffing his nose and moving his jaw up and down. It doesn't seem to stop. He is also opening and closing his fingers. I feel so badly for...
  10. crazymama30

    He's lying

    That is what difficult child son was yelling at me as a very angry, wet (from the hot tub) came storming down the street. Then difficult child goes to a bush and throws something in it. Apparently difficult child had a lighter and was trying to light the bushes in the mans yard on fire! That was after he ran through the man's...
  11. rosebud71

    questions about medications???

    My son has been hospitalized for just over a week due to his manic episodes and violent behavior. Some of you have told me about trying mood stabilizers . I discussed his medications with his social worker this morning and she told me that seroquel is used for both antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer...
  12. Aneau

    HELP!!!!! 8 year old boy with- ADHD has me in tears!

    I have this beautiful child whom both my husband and I adore, he has been in and out of Dr's offices here in Alaska. Needless to say we just don't have the help that the lower 48 has to offer. He was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago, started on nightmare after 2 weeks. He...
  13. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  14. T

    Bipolar and ADHD medication Combos

    :confused1: The rollercoaster ride continues! My son was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD last December. We've been through the ringer (like everyone else here!) over the last couple of years of middle school with his impulsive ODD behavior and mood swings, angry outbursts, poor choices...
  15. L

    We are weaning off Depakote...

    and quite frankly I haven't seen any big changes. She is easier to wake in the AM and the extreme hunger is going down also. She still is in the refrigerator a lot, but it is just a habit. We were at 500mg XR and are down to 125mg. We stay on this dose for about 12 more days and then we are...
  16. B

    Any Suggestions

    So many of you were very supportive last week with my post of can't stop crying. I thought I would ask you guys if you have any thoughts of what I might want to ask the psychiatrist tomorrow. We have been doing this for 3 years and I think I have read EVERY book and googled mood disorder and or...
  17. T


    I've seen a few posts where people mentioned that their kids were not able to tolerate Strattera. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if my son is experiencing irritability side effects from Strattera, or this is just part of his defiant behavior. Can anyone describe their...
  18. Janna

    Tell Me About Lamictal, Please

    because, I've heard several things. I suppose I could read the website, but I'd rather get it from people with experience. I heard, initially, it was great for both BiPolar (BP) mania and depression. Then, I heard (God knows where) it doesn't do much for mania, mostly depression. So, I'm wondering...
  19. nvts

    Medication Information/Assistance

    Hi! difficult child 1 is at it again! He's back in the psychiatric hospital. for an overnight due to a meltdown (got home around midnight last night!). Very - extrememly long story...he's in a Community Residence about 5 miles away so I'm not involved on the daily behaviors. He comes home for about 5 hours on Saturdays...
  20. M


    difficult child has been on abilify for years... his behavior is often off the charts aggressive & violent. recent psychiatrist is suggesting switching to zyprexa or abilify. he's been on zyprexa for years prior to abilify, and it was no better. And i can't recall for sure, but i think he also tried Seroquel...