a little background. My son is diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. He is on both vyvanse and Zoloft. He is in 7th grade and attends a school for children with ADHD and autism. It is a private school primarily funded by the state we live in. Before this he attended public school and was failing many classes. Now he keeps a B average. He has had the same teacher for two years. She has about 7 students. This year he has to change classes and so he has 2 other teachers also. He is currently seeing a therapist and an occupational therapist although that is just getting started. He's also awaiting psychiatric testing. It is suspected he may be on the autism spectrum, perhaps Aspergers. He's definitely a little professor, smarter than most and knows it, tends to experience frustration when people don't get where he's coming from which is MOST people.
What he has been in trouble for:
Not staying in his seat
Being disrespectful to teacher
Singing or talking over the lesson
Bothering other students especially a girl he has really liked this year
Leaving the classroom
Lying or being deceitful/manipulative
Unprepared for class
These behaviors though minor are causing constant problems for his teacher who is at her wits end she says. Friday last week he was suspended for two days because of the buildup of these behaviors since the beginning of this semester.
I met with the admin and teacher Tuesday afternoon. They literally spent one hour telling me repeatedly how they have tried everything and are seeing no improvement. When I asked them for suggestions they had none. They advised me they'd done all possible accommodations for my son with no result. I suggested a daily behavior check on so I can be made aware of how his day went. They refused. At one point the administrator told me in a very authoritative tone that I was NOT to text my son's teacher at all that night! (She and I text sometimes but only as a way to communicate about my son) I admit I got defensive and told them I felt they are failing him as they have given up on him. Brick wall. As I was leaving I asked if there was anything I could do to encourage him for the next day when he returns. Admin responded: stop sending him to school with sweets! (Friday he had brought treats for his birthday with teacher permission!) I felt at that point that I was simply being reprimanded because they are angry. Not that they had legitimate issues because if they did, wouldn't they have addressed those during the hour prior when they were telling me again and again how difficult my son makes their lives?
I suggested an IEP to which they replied by saying they already make every possible accommodation! And read me a list of those, most of which are academic. I felt like they just wanted my son to leave. I think they're trying To get me to withdraw him. I'm getting zero from these people. Now his teacher sends me daily lists of each and every behavior shown during the day almost in a passive aggressive way. I don't know if he's better or worse than before because they don't tell me that, it's a list of things he's done wrong with no context or positive comments to show the balance.
I've been fighting schools for so long I'm tired. I thought it was done but this school has shown they are unable to do what they profess to be purposed for.
Where do I go from here?
What he has been in trouble for:
Not staying in his seat
Being disrespectful to teacher
Singing or talking over the lesson
Bothering other students especially a girl he has really liked this year
Leaving the classroom
Lying or being deceitful/manipulative
Unprepared for class
These behaviors though minor are causing constant problems for his teacher who is at her wits end she says. Friday last week he was suspended for two days because of the buildup of these behaviors since the beginning of this semester.
I met with the admin and teacher Tuesday afternoon. They literally spent one hour telling me repeatedly how they have tried everything and are seeing no improvement. When I asked them for suggestions they had none. They advised me they'd done all possible accommodations for my son with no result. I suggested a daily behavior check on so I can be made aware of how his day went. They refused. At one point the administrator told me in a very authoritative tone that I was NOT to text my son's teacher at all that night! (She and I text sometimes but only as a way to communicate about my son) I admit I got defensive and told them I felt they are failing him as they have given up on him. Brick wall. As I was leaving I asked if there was anything I could do to encourage him for the next day when he returns. Admin responded: stop sending him to school with sweets! (Friday he had brought treats for his birthday with teacher permission!) I felt at that point that I was simply being reprimanded because they are angry. Not that they had legitimate issues because if they did, wouldn't they have addressed those during the hour prior when they were telling me again and again how difficult my son makes their lives?
I suggested an IEP to which they replied by saying they already make every possible accommodation! And read me a list of those, most of which are academic. I felt like they just wanted my son to leave. I think they're trying To get me to withdraw him. I'm getting zero from these people. Now his teacher sends me daily lists of each and every behavior shown during the day almost in a passive aggressive way. I don't know if he's better or worse than before because they don't tell me that, it's a list of things he's done wrong with no context or positive comments to show the balance.
I've been fighting schools for so long I'm tired. I thought it was done but this school has shown they are unable to do what they profess to be purposed for.
Where do I go from here?