Well-Known Member
I get to be proud of me today!
This morning, took young difficult child to his last probation appmnt.
Took 45 mins before he returned to the car after dropping him off at front of building. Parking was horrid, had to go across street 2nd lot in front of another building.
Suffice it to say, difficult child was livid when he finally found me.
He threw a rock in the direction of my car when he finally spotted me.
He then got into the car, door slammed of course and proceeded to demand to know why the F I wasn't waiting directly out front for him, why was I so Fing stupid, and that he should just assault me right then and there since he's now off probation. Oh, and that he's been wondering around for past 30 mins or so in the cold cause of "me".
I told him, "well, you finally found me. Not my problem that it took you this long. Your problem you didn't wear a jacket on a cold day and Oh, now that you're off juvenille probation if you want to assault me (he has Never hit me mind you) you get to go to Adult Jail. Your choice and by the way, when you're through with your verbal rant then and only then will I start the car up and begin driving home.
He finally decided to shutup between there and home. He demanded I take him to Sonic to eat. I told him, "NO, I don't give out nice treats when I'm not being treated nicely. He did tell me he was getting out of the car and going to eat when I got to the red light near our home. I told him, "if that's what you choose to do."
By the time he walked home, he was acting as if nothing happend and wanted to discuss some of his relationship problems with me. He tried to quickly apologize (after my prompting)...I mean a REALLY fast "sorry" but no deal.
I told him when he was ready to stop and think about his behavior and give me a proper apology then I might be ready to have open conversations with him again.
Anyway, I'm proud of me today. Healthy exampling in front of my difficult child.
I didn't walk on egg shells. It's still taking lots of "conscious" effort for me to be unafraid and steadfast with my new thinking and behaviors.
I am so used to being victimized and bled dry by my difficult child's.
I am learning better and showing a better example at least to young difficult child.
So, 2 points for mom!!! :princess:
I get to be proud of me today!
This morning, took young difficult child to his last probation appmnt.
Took 45 mins before he returned to the car after dropping him off at front of building. Parking was horrid, had to go across street 2nd lot in front of another building.
Suffice it to say, difficult child was livid when he finally found me.
He threw a rock in the direction of my car when he finally spotted me.
He then got into the car, door slammed of course and proceeded to demand to know why the F I wasn't waiting directly out front for him, why was I so Fing stupid, and that he should just assault me right then and there since he's now off probation. Oh, and that he's been wondering around for past 30 mins or so in the cold cause of "me".
I told him, "well, you finally found me. Not my problem that it took you this long. Your problem you didn't wear a jacket on a cold day and Oh, now that you're off juvenille probation if you want to assault me (he has Never hit me mind you) you get to go to Adult Jail. Your choice and by the way, when you're through with your verbal rant then and only then will I start the car up and begin driving home.
He finally decided to shutup between there and home. He demanded I take him to Sonic to eat. I told him, "NO, I don't give out nice treats when I'm not being treated nicely. He did tell me he was getting out of the car and going to eat when I got to the red light near our home. I told him, "if that's what you choose to do."
By the time he walked home, he was acting as if nothing happend and wanted to discuss some of his relationship problems with me. He tried to quickly apologize (after my prompting)...I mean a REALLY fast "sorry" but no deal.
I told him when he was ready to stop and think about his behavior and give me a proper apology then I might be ready to have open conversations with him again.
Anyway, I'm proud of me today. Healthy exampling in front of my difficult child.
I didn't walk on egg shells. It's still taking lots of "conscious" effort for me to be unafraid and steadfast with my new thinking and behaviors.
I am so used to being victimized and bled dry by my difficult child's.
I am learning better and showing a better example at least to young difficult child.
So, 2 points for mom!!! :princess: