Asking for a bit of help.....


Well-Known Member
Linda, you and your tweedles have always been in my thoughts and in my prayers. I know how difficult the holidays will be for you all this year.

I think starting some new and different traditions is an excellent idea. Even under the best of conditions, things never stay the same, no matter how much we want them to. Sending many, many hugs.


Linda, sending many gentle hugs to you, kt and wm. Even though I've never met you in person, I know you through your words and you are never far from my daily thoughts.


Active Member
I'm sending you warm thoughts from the summer down under by the beach... when you feel down, visualise the sea and our dolphins.

You have come a long way, don't forget that. Of course you are still grieving, do not feel guilty for that.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Star, I never know what to ask for.....I've always been pretty independent before my illness. I could say many things & nothing & I wouldn't remember.

Thank you ladies - each & everyone of you. I have some huge fears handling kt on my own when she is discharged next month.

I, for the life of me, cannot understand why husband wouldn't seek help - he had to be in pain. He didn't look well but didn't have that "look" - you know the one that someone is terminally ill.

husband tagged off with me when one tweedle or the other went off the ddep end. kt is struggling sleeping upstairs in her bed because husband isn't up in his office until she falls asleep.

wm is grieving in th emoment .

I'm rambling. Thank ou for all your positive thoughts & prayers.

kt & I are cleaning today & then decorating the house. I'm off here soon to call wm.

Big (((guhs))) to all of you during this season & in thanks for your pryaers.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Sorry for the rambling ~ I always thought husband & I would live our lives out together; thru retirement. We had dreams of a cabin after our work lives were complete.

It's not going to happn. I grieve those plans, the memories; good & bd.

Thank you again; I appreciate the board shoulder to lean on.


I am so sorry Linda.
This holiday time can be so difficult when we've lost a loved one.
Are you still going to a support group?
Can you see your therapist for a few extra appts. during this time?


New Member

Just hugs for all the strength you have given me long distance.

I read a book by Ann Hood the other night --Comfort. It is about the death of her daughter, written very well. She starts the book with this beautiful description of all the things people said to her that rang utterly false.

Grief seems to me a bit like surfing, you keep riding the waves, getting pulled under, getting back on the surfboard, and hopefully the lifeguards are there when you need them. I've been living through it with my mom dealing with my dad's death.

Anyway, I am rambling. Just hugs and more hugs.



Active Member
Linda, my friend, please know you are always close to my heart. I am sending healing prayers and comfort to you and the tweedles.
I know how hard this is.......I know........and yet you will get through this to the other side. There will be light, and there will be hope and a destiny when you have passed through this.
Many hugs

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
You are in my prayers daily and will always be there. Just wish there was a way for me to do more to help. So wish you lived closer! Gentle hugs.