difficult child is in hospital


New Member
they admitted him last friday. i am happy but sad at the same time. we currently have him moving in with me on hold until we find out more on what they are going to do with him.
he is in shiloh near houston, he has been there before.
his dad and stepmum are trying to get him re-evaluation. that makes me do the happy dance.
in my mind, i am letting things play out they way they are suppose to be.
i also will be going in the hospital to a pain clinic, have to go the insurance route first. so i guess this all works out.
hopfully they can get to the bottom of the teeth pulling.

thanks to everyone in advance for all your support. :kisses:


New Member
<span style='font-size: 14pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #3333FF"> it sounds good. best not to proceed with-the move until he's as stable as possible.

</span> </span> </span>


New Member
Putting a child in-patient for evaluation is one of the hardest things I ever did, but I must say it was the best choice that I had made. You seem to be doing ok with this(or at least better than I did), I send you hugs and wish you the best of luck.


New Member
That is great that he is getting a reevaluation. I hope that he will become stable before he makes the move. Much luck to you!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I know it's hard but also know you are doing the right thing. He is in a safe place getting the hope he needs. Hugs.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Thanks for the update - I'm glad that difficult child is in a place that should get him help & a re-evaluation. :warrior:

Keeping fingers crossed for positive results. :flower:

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Thanks for the update - I'm glad that difficult child is in a place that should get him help & a re-evaluation. :warrior:

Keeping fingers crossed for positive results. :flower: