Well-Known Member
Adult daughter age 41 has some improvements and some set backs but the set backs are not as harsh or deep as in years past. She is still odd, moody but can get a grip with it better. Her terrible 'off' times are when a man is involved in her life. It really knocks her completely out. The creepy boyfriend has been gone for a while and she has managed to pull herself together a bit better. She is exercising and eating better and miracles of miracles her home is looking better each year. She is living in a rent home her dad and I bought and in 3 years it will be paid off. This was not easy to do with her radical lifestyle, toxic room mates and trying to get out of paying rent. But here we are only 3 more years and she can live rent free. She has made money from investing, selling items and works a couple of jobs. Our relationship is ok as long as I don't ask personal questions but this is a far cry from years ago.
The main problem I have now and it is major is my husband's behavior. We got our daughter somewhat settled and now he is doing some really stupid stuff. One of the most major stresses in our life is his bipolar family. His sister and both brothers are bipolar. They are mean and nasty not just to me but to him too. I had to cut ties completely because they were so out of hand. I have never experienced such demonic hateful behavior in my life, but then I think just a few years back I experienced it from my own daughter. With my daughter I have worked it out through years of therapy.
My husband feels the same way and has told me his siblings grief him to the core. Here is the problem, he calls and emails them and just recently will not leave them alone. Why the H*LL would he contact them and tell them our business? So they email back and forth and like usual they said something to him that has caused him deep depression and his back is so sore that he can't hardly walk. I almost ended up in the hospital years ago after being around them because they are so demonic. My husband tells me they are demonic but will not leave them alone. I usually have a very peaceful home but quite frankly I want to leave him but opening lines of communication with people that wish us ill will, most recently his sister called us and told us we were going to die soon, she said she had a dream. His one brother did that years ago to us too.
I don't even know who my husband is anymore. He is someone that is putting us into a heap of danger. While I was burying my son years ago his brother said he wants to beat me up, and when asked why, he did not have an answer. The other brother was horrific to my son when he was alive so no way do I want anything to do with him either.
My husband is an intelligent, nice looking and fit man but OH MY GOD how can he be so deeply stupid. I did not mention that he never told me that he was connecting with them behind my back, I found out because he was acting so horrific that I had to keep asking him over and over again why the huge horrible change in his personality, he finally admitted that he opened that line of communication and got the beating that we both knew would happen. Since then he has been drinking, we both do not drink, and living sloppy, we used to have a nice home and spending money here and there which I did not even know about and being sneaky about other things. I believe he has let the demon activity into our home. We is almost 70 and I am not far behind, this has shocked me to the core, I don't even think I like him anymore. Who in the right mind makes their life so hard when they don't even need to? He has told me for years that they are the worst people he has ever known. He has told me that they are demonic! Why on earth would anyone open that portal? Anyway it looks like there will be some major changes going on around here and I am not sure what will come of it but I know for sure I can't live like this.
The main problem I have now and it is major is my husband's behavior. We got our daughter somewhat settled and now he is doing some really stupid stuff. One of the most major stresses in our life is his bipolar family. His sister and both brothers are bipolar. They are mean and nasty not just to me but to him too. I had to cut ties completely because they were so out of hand. I have never experienced such demonic hateful behavior in my life, but then I think just a few years back I experienced it from my own daughter. With my daughter I have worked it out through years of therapy.
My husband feels the same way and has told me his siblings grief him to the core. Here is the problem, he calls and emails them and just recently will not leave them alone. Why the H*LL would he contact them and tell them our business? So they email back and forth and like usual they said something to him that has caused him deep depression and his back is so sore that he can't hardly walk. I almost ended up in the hospital years ago after being around them because they are so demonic. My husband tells me they are demonic but will not leave them alone. I usually have a very peaceful home but quite frankly I want to leave him but opening lines of communication with people that wish us ill will, most recently his sister called us and told us we were going to die soon, she said she had a dream. His one brother did that years ago to us too.
I don't even know who my husband is anymore. He is someone that is putting us into a heap of danger. While I was burying my son years ago his brother said he wants to beat me up, and when asked why, he did not have an answer. The other brother was horrific to my son when he was alive so no way do I want anything to do with him either.
My husband is an intelligent, nice looking and fit man but OH MY GOD how can he be so deeply stupid. I did not mention that he never told me that he was connecting with them behind my back, I found out because he was acting so horrific that I had to keep asking him over and over again why the huge horrible change in his personality, he finally admitted that he opened that line of communication and got the beating that we both knew would happen. Since then he has been drinking, we both do not drink, and living sloppy, we used to have a nice home and spending money here and there which I did not even know about and being sneaky about other things. I believe he has let the demon activity into our home. We is almost 70 and I am not far behind, this has shocked me to the core, I don't even think I like him anymore. Who in the right mind makes their life so hard when they don't even need to? He has told me for years that they are the worst people he has ever known. He has told me that they are demonic! Why on earth would anyone open that portal? Anyway it looks like there will be some major changes going on around here and I am not sure what will come of it but I know for sure I can't live like this.