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Hi all, difficult child is having his grade 8 grad tonight. He wasn't planning on going, which upset me but I tried to not bully him into something he didn't want to do. He came home a few days ago and said that he was told if he attends his grad, he will get his report card and will be allowed to finish his year today instead of attending tomorrow, Mon. and Tues. like the other students. So suddenly difficult child wants to go. I was so happy because for me this is a huge milestone. He was expelled from his school last June. He had a 37% average when he moved back home after first term this year, but 2nd term he was in the high 60% range and I'm expecting it to stay that way or actually be higher on his final report card. difficult child has suprised me with all his personal growth and efforts and changes since he moved home. I have such pride and gratitude that it seems he is on the right path finally. So today should be great (!?!?!).
Yesterday I picked him up so plain chino type pants and a short sleeve button down top and a pair of nice sandals. He isnt into dressing up, so I didn't push him for tie etc like the other boys, wasnt' important enough to argue. Well he went livid over the sandals. But if I'd bought dress shoes he'd have been more livid. He was copping attitude with me etc last night and again this morning. I think he is having anxiety about attending, he doesn't participate in anything at school (except basketball team) including any trips, outings, plays, fun days etc. He has zero friends at his school, his choice, he has been a hermit. So I'm trying to give him leniancy because I think underneath it all he's nervous about being in the setting tonight, with the other kids, large group of parents etc. He has always had problems with praise etc as well so there is that to add to the mix.
He has made me swear we will NOT stay for even a minute of the reception afterwards, just the ceremony to get his diploma and his report card, and as soon as it ends, we are to leave. Okay I'll go along with that too. I plan to order pizza (his fav) afterwards and going to pick up a graduation cake this afternoon, we can do the "after" celebration quietly here at home.
But his attitude and anxiety is worrying me. I want us all to enjoy this. Him especially but also me as this is not something I even envisioned, I figured by now he'd be in long term Residential Treatment Center (RTC). The mom in me is going to NOT cry when I see him get that diploma. This feels like the end of a bad chapter of life (14 years worth!) and the start of something new, he is looking forward to high school, and he HATES school. So good things are coming and continuing I believe.
Please cross fingers and toes that he and I can enjoy this, I'm keeping it super low key so as to not make him more anxious about it. But inside I am overwhelmed with pride in my boy.
I am hoping he'll let me take a picture or two. He tried on his clothes last night for me and seemed happy with them. He looked so handsome even with his SUPER LONG SCRAGGLY hair. I've agreed to leave him alone about that so long as he brushes it LOL. Hopefully that will happen. He looks like such a man, just hit 6 feet tall, towers over me, the short mama.
I will post tonight after and let you know how it went, hopefully with pics!!!
Melissa .... crossing everything possible! I just want ONE special typical mommy moment as i've missed the normal ones other parents get .... I know you all know what I mean about that!
Yesterday I picked him up so plain chino type pants and a short sleeve button down top and a pair of nice sandals. He isnt into dressing up, so I didn't push him for tie etc like the other boys, wasnt' important enough to argue. Well he went livid over the sandals. But if I'd bought dress shoes he'd have been more livid. He was copping attitude with me etc last night and again this morning. I think he is having anxiety about attending, he doesn't participate in anything at school (except basketball team) including any trips, outings, plays, fun days etc. He has zero friends at his school, his choice, he has been a hermit. So I'm trying to give him leniancy because I think underneath it all he's nervous about being in the setting tonight, with the other kids, large group of parents etc. He has always had problems with praise etc as well so there is that to add to the mix.
He has made me swear we will NOT stay for even a minute of the reception afterwards, just the ceremony to get his diploma and his report card, and as soon as it ends, we are to leave. Okay I'll go along with that too. I plan to order pizza (his fav) afterwards and going to pick up a graduation cake this afternoon, we can do the "after" celebration quietly here at home.
But his attitude and anxiety is worrying me. I want us all to enjoy this. Him especially but also me as this is not something I even envisioned, I figured by now he'd be in long term Residential Treatment Center (RTC). The mom in me is going to NOT cry when I see him get that diploma. This feels like the end of a bad chapter of life (14 years worth!) and the start of something new, he is looking forward to high school, and he HATES school. So good things are coming and continuing I believe.
Please cross fingers and toes that he and I can enjoy this, I'm keeping it super low key so as to not make him more anxious about it. But inside I am overwhelmed with pride in my boy.
I am hoping he'll let me take a picture or two. He tried on his clothes last night for me and seemed happy with them. He looked so handsome even with his SUPER LONG SCRAGGLY hair. I've agreed to leave him alone about that so long as he brushes it LOL. Hopefully that will happen. He looks like such a man, just hit 6 feet tall, towers over me, the short mama.
I will post tonight after and let you know how it went, hopefully with pics!!!
Melissa .... crossing everything possible! I just want ONE special typical mommy moment as i've missed the normal ones other parents get .... I know you all know what I mean about that!