I got a call from the Naturopath at 9:00 last night. It was amazing because I had called the normal pediatrician at 10:00 am and HE hadn't called me back yet......never did - typical!
Well - the results of difficult child's hair test had come back. He is extremely concerned. difficult child's hair indicates that he has LEAD POISIONING! He said that Great Smokies had actually called him about the results - they wanted to know if the hair had been collected at a Barber Shop and could possibly have been contaminated with hair that has Grecian Formula on it! Well - no - I collected it right here in my living room - giving difficult child a few bald spots in the process!
He says the hair has the highest level of lead that he has ever seen in ANYONE and it is a shocking amount in a 5 year old. It is also very high in Antimony - another trace mineral. It is extremely low in Magnesium and Chromium, which are nature's calming Minerals. We can't supplement those because his body is so full of lead that it wouldn't do anything!
The results are so bad, that he wants us to do another test from another lab as a second opinion. He also wants the rest of the family to have the hair test. The lead could come from dirt, water (lead pipes or lead solder on pipes) or could have been passed to him from me in utero. difficult child has ALWAYS played in dirt. He has "digger sites" all over the place. Every year my kids have a state mandated lead poisioning blood test (finger prick) at their check-ups. There has never been any indication of any problem. He says it is because the blood only shows a recent lead exposure. Hair shows what is actually in his tissues.
He needs chelation therapy. I have to meet with the Naturopath tomorrow to get started.
He said if these results are real - and he truly has this level of lead that that explains his problems. He is getting brain damage from this level of lead. His actual word were that this is a "Phenomenal Diagnosis". Once the treatment begins he should be a different kid in 6 mos. Please let THIS be the answer.
Me - Katie, 35
Him - John, 41
Johnny, 18 easy child from prev. relationship (born when I was 17)
Scott - 5 - ADD, ODD, Regulatory disorder
Jenny - 3, easy child
Well - the results of difficult child's hair test had come back. He is extremely concerned. difficult child's hair indicates that he has LEAD POISIONING! He said that Great Smokies had actually called him about the results - they wanted to know if the hair had been collected at a Barber Shop and could possibly have been contaminated with hair that has Grecian Formula on it! Well - no - I collected it right here in my living room - giving difficult child a few bald spots in the process!
He says the hair has the highest level of lead that he has ever seen in ANYONE and it is a shocking amount in a 5 year old. It is also very high in Antimony - another trace mineral. It is extremely low in Magnesium and Chromium, which are nature's calming Minerals. We can't supplement those because his body is so full of lead that it wouldn't do anything!
The results are so bad, that he wants us to do another test from another lab as a second opinion. He also wants the rest of the family to have the hair test. The lead could come from dirt, water (lead pipes or lead solder on pipes) or could have been passed to him from me in utero. difficult child has ALWAYS played in dirt. He has "digger sites" all over the place. Every year my kids have a state mandated lead poisioning blood test (finger prick) at their check-ups. There has never been any indication of any problem. He says it is because the blood only shows a recent lead exposure. Hair shows what is actually in his tissues.
He needs chelation therapy. I have to meet with the Naturopath tomorrow to get started.
He said if these results are real - and he truly has this level of lead that that explains his problems. He is getting brain damage from this level of lead. His actual word were that this is a "Phenomenal Diagnosis". Once the treatment begins he should be a different kid in 6 mos. Please let THIS be the answer.
Me - Katie, 35
Him - John, 41
Johnny, 18 easy child from prev. relationship (born when I was 17)
Scott - 5 - ADD, ODD, Regulatory disorder
Jenny - 3, easy child