Dove beauty campaign


Active Member
That's great, Allan.

I have another link for you - it was called "braces" and was for Macquarie University in Sydney, the ad appeared in an enrolment promotion in Sydney's newspapers in 2000 and 2001. The ad also won a Gold Lion at Cannes for print media. We loved the ad - it was such an empowering message. They had a series made with similar theme, but this was the prize winner.

The kid in the photo - really did have braces at the time, but they did some CG work on her, made her freckles more obvious and used a wide angle lens. She's really a very pretty young woman now. I know this, because it's my daughter. Few people would recognise her in this photo at first glance, but it was a fun job for her. Half an hour's work, paid peanuts. We're considering embarrassing her with this on her 21st! But they nearly didn't get this photo. The photographer was packing up his gear when the client (ad agency bloke) approached our girl and said, "Can you smile and show top AND bottom braces, and still have it look natural?"
"You mean like this?" and she showed him.
The client called the photographer back over and they took another handful of photos - I recognise the later pose in this shot.

And this was long before "Ugly Betty" (which starts on Aussie TV on Sunday night).



Active Member
thanks , I see Dove features in the credits of this as well.
The home page of Dove features a Pro-age campaign as well. I had to take off my yalmulka=scullcap and ( cover my eyes ) and (not )
watch it



Active Member
Allan, is your yamulka big enough to cover your eyes? Or are you peeking round the rim?

Did you see that British TV series, "The Human Body" by Robert Winston? The opening sequence, used frequently, was of a line of 100 people, each one a year older than the previous one, going from 0 to 100 in age. They were almost all completely naked. Some of the older ones were wearing bathrobes (in deference to younger sensibilities? In respect of age?) but there was enough elderly nudity to bring a short, sharp shock of reality to anybody with delusions of immortality.



I love the Dove campaign! I have been meaning to send them an email giving them a pat on the back for not using stick women in their ads! putting that on my "to do" list.


Well-Known Member
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did you see that British TV series, "The Human Body" by Robert Winston? The opening sequence, used frequently, was of a line of 100 people, each one a year older than the previous one, going from 0 to 100 in age. They were almost all completely naked. Some of the older ones were wearing bathrobes (in deference to younger sensibilities? In respect of age?) but there was enough elderly nudity to bring a short, sharp shock of reality to anybody with delusions of immortality.

Nope, I think they might just show clips on an HBO special one day of that, but that wouldn't fly on our regular tv, here.


Active Member
I did see it repeated during family viewing and a lot of that opening sequence was fogged. It's handled discreetly so it's not designed to be sexual, rather it's meant to be a reflection of reality. Warts and all, so to speak - wrinkles, grey hair - the lot. Not so much Playboy, more National Geographic.

A fascinating series, also, very tastefully handled. One episode follows a young girl in the year or two as she grows through puberty. It outlines the physical changes that happen to any girl at this age, but without this particular girl being exposed in any nasty way. She talks to camera about her feelings, about her opinion on puberty and about the emotional side of it all. I remember easy child 2/difficult child 2 was very interested in watching this.
I had no problem with difficult child 3 watching this program, even though he is so young. The only episode I banned him from was the one on death, because with difficult child 3 I had already seen that episode, I knew he didn't have the social maturity to handle it, because of his autism. Other kids his age could have, though.

We actually went out and bought the DVD, we liked the series so much.
