Well-Known Member
Hi all…as many of you know my son lost his battle with drugs 2 years ago on Thanksgiving morning. He left behind 3 children ages 16, 14, and 11 now.
For about a month now I have been in talks with my 2 oldest grandchildren about coming to live with us and going to school and provide them with opportunities that will hopefully help them have a successful future.
All of this came about as I got the truth from my grandchildren that they have really not been going to school. Their mom has had them lying that they are being homeschooled. I am in Oklahoma. They are in Texas.
Now the reason for my post. My grandson told me that his mom admitted to them 4 months ago that she relapsed on Meth because she was sad. I told my grandson things have to change and he agreed.
I called their mom to see if she was willing to let them live with us to provide them with an education and opportunities to succeed. She immediately said, “Uh NO that’s not happening!” She hung up and I texted my grandson what she said.
Next thing that happens is grandson is on the phone with me and telling me to call the police. I called the police and they went to the house. She lied to them about an argument they just had where my grandson was scared and told the police that my grandson hit her!
They took my grandson away in handcuffs. She also had her youngest daughter the unruliest of my 3 grandchildren vouch for her. She didn’t press charges though and after grandson was questioned and stuck to his story he was released to my mother in Texas.
I called CPS yesterday and filled them in on everything. I don’t know what is happening or when they will start their investigation. I would have thought at least by today.
Now grandson is having second thoughts. Says his mom is not a bad person. That she just needs help.
She apparently got in touch with him this morning and said she will let him come live with us after she has lunch with him at 11 tomorrow. But little does she know I’ve called CPS. It’s too late. My grandson told me, “I hope you haven’t talked to CPS because she is going to let me live with you.”
Forgot to mention she has 2 more children in the house that were from relationships she had while married to my son. They were estranged for years but she played the “poor widow” card to the police the other day.
Oh and supposedly she is going to get remarried next year to a guy in jail right now for inappropriately touching children!
My son must be rolling over in his grave right now.
Back to the kids. I pray they win a future for themselves. Dear husband and I still believe the definition of real love is Sacrificial to Self, Beneficial to others. We love them.
It will be tough having young life drama in our lives again. But it’s time before it’s too late. They were just existing at their mother’s and her mother’s house. Going nowhere. No future. Oh and her mother is a hoarder.
You can imagine how these 3 grandchildren have been growing up. I concentrated so much on their dad for years but now it’s over.
They need the attention now.
Probably should have had it all along.
For about a month now I have been in talks with my 2 oldest grandchildren about coming to live with us and going to school and provide them with opportunities that will hopefully help them have a successful future.
All of this came about as I got the truth from my grandchildren that they have really not been going to school. Their mom has had them lying that they are being homeschooled. I am in Oklahoma. They are in Texas.
Now the reason for my post. My grandson told me that his mom admitted to them 4 months ago that she relapsed on Meth because she was sad. I told my grandson things have to change and he agreed.
I called their mom to see if she was willing to let them live with us to provide them with an education and opportunities to succeed. She immediately said, “Uh NO that’s not happening!” She hung up and I texted my grandson what she said.
Next thing that happens is grandson is on the phone with me and telling me to call the police. I called the police and they went to the house. She lied to them about an argument they just had where my grandson was scared and told the police that my grandson hit her!
They took my grandson away in handcuffs. She also had her youngest daughter the unruliest of my 3 grandchildren vouch for her. She didn’t press charges though and after grandson was questioned and stuck to his story he was released to my mother in Texas.
I called CPS yesterday and filled them in on everything. I don’t know what is happening or when they will start their investigation. I would have thought at least by today.
Now grandson is having second thoughts. Says his mom is not a bad person. That she just needs help.
She apparently got in touch with him this morning and said she will let him come live with us after she has lunch with him at 11 tomorrow. But little does she know I’ve called CPS. It’s too late. My grandson told me, “I hope you haven’t talked to CPS because she is going to let me live with you.”
Forgot to mention she has 2 more children in the house that were from relationships she had while married to my son. They were estranged for years but she played the “poor widow” card to the police the other day.
Oh and supposedly she is going to get remarried next year to a guy in jail right now for inappropriately touching children!
My son must be rolling over in his grave right now.

Back to the kids. I pray they win a future for themselves. Dear husband and I still believe the definition of real love is Sacrificial to Self, Beneficial to others. We love them.
It will be tough having young life drama in our lives again. But it’s time before it’s too late. They were just existing at their mother’s and her mother’s house. Going nowhere. No future. Oh and her mother is a hoarder.
You can imagine how these 3 grandchildren have been growing up. I concentrated so much on their dad for years but now it’s over.
They need the attention now.
Probably should have had it all along.
