Our difficult child has cried several times during each season of baseball and soccer, but keeps wanting to go back, so we do. Baseball, we finally were able to talk him out of joining because as they got older, it got so darn competitive. It's still Little League, for crying out loud, but even the Coaches could be overheard discussing stats, etc., in front of the kids.
I think that it has everything to do with frustration and anxiety level in our difficult child. But, he loves soccer and overall, I think it is a positive thing. I used to get embarassed (and husband still does), but now I just don't care if other people are looking at me. I just think 'Let them look'. 'Let them talk'. Everyone who truly cares about our family and difficult child already knows he has issues. Everyone else just cannot register on my meter because I already have enough to worry about.
Bottom line for us was that difficult child really enjoys soccer - and it's one of the things he is actually quite good at, so we keep going. If the situation were different, I'm sure we would have pulled him as we did with Little League.
difficult child has now also been going to karate - he's been in a year now and will soon be testing for his first belt "upgrade". In one way, it is an individual activity, but he is part of a group as well. He loves it and it has done wonders for his breathing exercises and helped some with his self-control. Best part about it is that except for the once a year local tournament, it is not competitive - you just be the best you can be and work at it. I am quite sure that if he doesn't get the yellow belt, there will be tears, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
It's hard to watch our difficult child in any setting where he doesn't quite "blend in". I have been the mom with the burgundy face, slinking back to my car and not making eye contact with anyone, believe me. Some days are certainly better than others!
Good luck!!
PS: It's not a sports situation, but I took difficult child caroling with a local church group in December and he was so completely over the top, etc., that I was a bit embarassed until one of the Moms who I hardly know said "don't worry about it - everyone loves it because he is so enthusiastic". Nice word, enthusiastic, right??